Mueller Report Imminent

The report details multiple attempts at obstruction. It's saying he attempted to obstruct justice. It's not saying he successfully obstructed justice. It's been explained that Mueller is not going to indict a sitting president. He's leaving it up to congress to pursue any punishment for these crimes. You're grasping at straws.
“Attempted obstruction”. Lmao, you’re grasping at straws
I don't think that's necessarily so. The language of the constitution is extremely vague about impeachment, so they can basically do whatever they want. Of course, that's only looking at it legally. Moral duty, civic duty, etc. is a different question.
Ok. Thanks
“Attempted obstruction”. Lmao, you’re grasping at straws

It's a crime. Did you read that DOJ link I posted or did you conveniently skip it? The law calls it "endeavor", which is to be interpreted even more broadly than "attempt". You can ignore it if you want, but it doesn't make you right.
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But they are the body which decides guilt in this case. If they decide he is guilty, they have a duty to impeach. Correct?

Ya, they have a duty to do it, and I think they ultimately will. The problem, I think, is that they believe Trump will attempt to obstruct impeachment inquiries/proceedings to the point that it makes them seem impotent.
So Hillary and the DNC provide fake dossier to the FBI to get them to start spying on the Trump Campaign. The investigation comes up empty but now the Democrats want to claim obstruction cause Trump purged the FBI and DOJ of their politically biased hacks in their leadership. Comey deserved firing for lying to the President. The Special Counsel was assigned to investigate Russian collusion in the 2016 election based off of a fake dossier only to have its scope creep into other areas such as obstruction. Sounds like a classic democrat hit job to me and it needs to be investigated by the DOJ.
Ya, they have a duty to do it, and I think they ultimately will. The problem, I think, is that they believe Trump will attempt to obstruct impeachment inquiries/proceedings to the point that it makes them seem impotent.
This is BS guy. The only pause they have with going forward with the Impeachment process is the fear of the political backlash they will get for it. Stop acting like they are some great and admirable group of people lol.
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Since when has it been the role of a prosecutor to make the determination that someone is innocent? Federal prosecutors routinely decide to not bring charges, but never make such determinations. Mueller is a hack
So Hillary and the DNC provide fake dossier to the FBI to get them to start spying on the Trump Campaign. The investigation comes up empty but now the Democrats want to claim obstruction cause Trump purged the FBI and DOJ of their politically biased hacks in their leadership. Comey deserved firing for lying to the President. The Special Counsel was assigned to investigate Russian collusion in the 2016 election based off of a fake dossier only to have its scope creep into other areas such as obstruction. Sounds like a classic democrat hit job to me and it needs to be investigated by the DOJ.

Trump’s purge of the FBI has nothing to do with obstruction.

Why is it that the people making the claims that the report found nothing always seem to follow it up by proving they don’t know what it says?
It's a crime. Did you read that DOJ link I posted or did you conveniently skip it? The law calls it "endeavor", which is to be interpreted even more broadly than "attempt". You can ignore it if you want, but it doesn't make you right.
I didn’t say “attempted obstruction” isn’t a crime. There was no collusion, no crime to cover up, and no obstruction. Just a weak charge of ‘attempted obstruction’ which even the prosecutor couldn’t make a determination on. If that’s the best you got you’re grasping for straws
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Since when has it been the role of a prosecutor to make the determination that someone is innocent? Federal prosecutors routinely decide to not bring charges, but never make such determinations. Mueller is a hack

Hannity, that you?

How many routine investigations involve a DOJ mandate that an indictment is unconstitutional, no matter what evidence they find?
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Trump’s purge of the FBI has nothing to do with obstruction.

Why is it that the people making the claims that the report found nothing always seem to follow it up by proving they don’t know what it says?

Cuz they never cared what the report might say. They bought into the spin by Trump and by Barr, and that is sufficient for them to justify their blind allegiance to the condom and in the Oval Office.
Since when has it been the role of a prosecutor to make the determination that someone is innocent? Federal prosecutors routinely decide to not bring charges, but never make such determinations. Mueller is a hack
This should post should end this thread and any further discussion forever.
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But they are the body which decides guilt in this case. If they decide he is guilty, they have a duty to impeach. Correct?

I think the Senate is charged with deciding guilt, but I could be wrong.
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Mueller could've still declared Trump guilty in the report without indicting him.

Again, him using that DOJ statute to try to justify his decisions is just plain stupid.
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This is BS guy. The only pause they have with going forward with the Impeachment process is the fear of the political backlash they will get for it. Stop acting like they are some great and admirable group of people lol.

That is essentially what I was saying. If they appear impotent, it equates to political backlash. The expectations of the Dem/Moderate base will shift towards impeachment, I believe. Doing nothing is looking more like political suicide.
Cuz they never cared what the report might say. They bought into the spin by Trump and by Barr, and that is sufficient for them to justify their blind allegiance to the condom and in the Oval Office.
I'm surprised you didn't take the opportunity of Mueller speaking to make a new anti-Trump thread. "Bombshell, Mueller speaks"
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