Muslims Protest in Los Angeles: "Long Live Hitler! Put Jews in Ovens!"

maybe if you were a lil more humbled and a little less jackassish, everyone cld debate w/ u. i think what the other poster was saying was a lot of ppl signed up to vote due only to race issue. both sides are guilty of it. wasn't based on policies. like colin powell is a good ex. JC Watts if i'm not mistaken said he might vote for Obama due to historical significance.

truefann was in the "white guilt" demographic. he claims to be a moderate dem but votes for a far left socialist. mccain was aligned with your views than Hussein O. unless you are just a closet leftist lib
truefann was in the "white guilt" demographic. he claims to be a moderate dem but votes for a far left socialist. mccain was aligned with your views than Hussein O. unless you are just a closet leftist lib

Your assessment, along with most things you post, is extremely ignorant and uninformed

I said numerous times I considered voting for McCain. Two things that went against McCain for me. One was the change in character during the the campaign. The other was the pick of Sarah Palin as a running mate. Both those things along with the fact I genuinely think Obama would be a better leader for the country.

All of Obama's actions at this point are pointing to governing more from the center than the left.

Once again, you aren't remotely qualified to ever make an assumption on my views.
All of Obama's actions at this point are pointing to governing more from the center than the left.
Your post was going along so well until this little diddy.

Obama has refrained from stating anything that would imply he will govern from the radical left, however, he most certainly is making it clear that he will govern from the left.
Your assessment, along with most things you post, is extremely ignorant and uninformed

I said numerous times I considered voting for McCain. Two things that went against McCain for me. One was the change in character during the the campaign. The other was the pick of Sarah Palin as a running mate. Both those things along with the fact I genuinely think Obama would be a better leader for the country.

All of Obama's actions at this point are pointing to governing more from the center than the left.

Once again, you aren't remotely qualified to ever make an assumption on my views.

oh yeas that's right, one moderate and conservative is much worse than a socialist/marxist and a liberal.. by reading your post, i am pretty accurate on your views.
I said numerous times I considered voting for McCain. Two things that went against McCain for me. One was the change in character during the the campaign. The other was the pick of Sarah Palin as a running mate.
Come on. I didn't hear the McCain stuff from you.

If McCain's shift bothered you, Obama's complete shift away from the Iraq departure platform over to the free money for all but the richest platform should have driven you nuts. Then, he made it worse by selecting the drunkest, most liberal Senator available to him.

I'm cool with you rooting for Obama, but there's no need to paint it as something it isn't.
i agree, and like i said only ones i have problems with are the extremists

Then you abhor Clinton for rejecting the moderate Fikret Abdic and embracing the radical islamist Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia???

The real Izetbegovic.

Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani met Alija Izetbegovic at the Mehrabad Airport in Tehran in 1993 during an official state visit by Izetbegovic to procure Iranian weapons and arms in contravention of the UN arms embargo. (Osama bin-Laden also visited Izerbegovic's office and provided $500,000,000 in his support.)

Iran was the main arms supplier to the Bosnian Muslim military forces during the 1992-1995 civil war, in violation of the United Nations arms embargo. Needless to say, this was a criminal act and illegal. But because Iran had U.S. support and backing in this illegal operation through U.S. Ambassador in proxy state Croatia, Peter Galbraith, nothing was ever done about it. The U.S. media censored it and covered it up. End of story.

Iran sent to Bosnia members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Pasdaran, 2,000 by 1995, who supervised the illegal arms shipments and who were incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim Army of Alija Izetbegovic, who made official state visits to Tehran in 1992 and 1993 to secure Iranian arms shipments and military and diplomatic support.

The U.S. media, government, and intelligence agencies knew these illegal arms transfers from Iran were occurring, but they were covered-up from the American public. The American public did not need to know.

The Iranian Intelligence Agency (VEVAK) established branches and infrastructure in Bosnia. VEVAK had established links to Alija Izetbegovic’s radical, militant, and ultra-nationalist Islamic SDA party before the civil war started in 1992. Once the war started, VEVAK strengthened and expanded its ties to the Bosnian Muslim political leadership and the Bosnian Muslim secret police apparatus. Mohammed Taherian, a top Iranian intelligence agent who had armed the Taliban and was suspected of arming Shiite guerrillas, was sent to Sarajevo as the Iranian Ambassador to Bosnia. Taherian had been the former Iranian Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey offered to provide weapons and ammunition to the Bosnian Muslim forces even though they were illegal under the UN. Why did Izetbegovic choose Iran as the principal arms supplier for the Bosnian Muslim Army? A Bosnian Muslim journalist concluded that Izetbegovic “played his cards on the Iranian connection”. This was because Izetbegovic and the ultra-nationalist Islamic SDA party were ideologically closer to Iran than to Saudi Arabia or Turkey. Izetbegvic had rejected the Ataturk model of a secular and moderate Islamic political approach, although U.S. and Western pundits and analysts missed this fact.

Izetbegovic and the SDA since 1979 had demonstrated respect, admiration, and sympathy for the Iranian Islamic Revolution. Izetbegovic saw the Iranian Islamic Republic as a model for Bosnia to follow. Needless to say, the U.S. media, government, pundits, and experts censored and covered-up this obvious fact. Moreover, the Tehran arms shipments to the Bosnian Muslims was not much of a secret. The illegal arms from Iran arrived weekly on a Iranian Boeing 747 to Zagreb in open view.

U.S. and Western journalists and intelligence was fully aware of what was going on but kept silent. It was vital to suppress, censor, and cover-up these illegal arms shipments because U.S. and Western propaganda was supporting the Bosnian Muslim faction in a massive and unprecedented propaganda and infowar campaign.

The U.S. strategic presence in Southeastern Europe depended on the success of the Bosnian Muslim and Croat proxies and surrogates. The future of NATO and the EU depended on it. As a consequence, Iran became a U.S. “ally” and “collaborator” during the 1992-1995 Bosnian civil war.

It is incongruous to claim that the author of the "Islamic Declaration" and he winner of the Islamic Figure of the Year award from King Fahd in Saudi Arabia is somehow not an Islamic supremacist!

From 1943, Izetbegovic was the head organizer of a recruiting drive for the infamous, all Muslim, Waffen SS 20,000-strong Handzar or Hanjar Division. Handzar is derived from the Arabic word which means "dagger."
(They prided themselves in the fact that they could decapitate or behead a man with one stroke of their 'hanzar.')

Religion was an essential motivational tool. Each battalion had an imam.The spiritual leader was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini. Upon expulsion from Palestine by the British, the Grand Mufti organized a brutal anti-Jewish pogrom in Baghdad in 1941. Having failed to install a pro-Nazi Iraqi government, he escaped and spent the rest of the war in Germany and Italy.

He recruited Bosnian Muslims and Muslims from the Caucasus for dedicated Nazi SS units. In a March 1, 1944 broadcast from Berlin he stated: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion." He wrote a pamphlet, "Islam and the Jews," which served to incite the slaughter of Jews and Serbs.

The number two Nazi after Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, formed two Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS divisions: the 13th Waffen SS Gebrigs Division der SS Handzar and the 23rd Waffen SS Division Kama. They committed hideous crimes in Bosnia against the Serbs, killed hundreds of Americans fighting the 5th U.S. Army division in Italy for six months. Upon capitulation of Italy, the Nazi Bosnian Muslims fled to Yugoslavia and maintained the railway link between the Balkans and Auschwitz thus making their contribution to the "Final Solution."

Following the end of WWII, many from the Handzar division joined the Arab armies which fought against the Jews in then Palestine.

Izetbegovic turned to the Islamic states, i.e. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Libya for assistance.

The Iranians were the first ones to arrive, followed by Sudan based Armed Islamic Movement (AIM) affiliates, umbrella organization of Islamist terrorist organizations committed to global pan-Islamic causes, and bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states provided the bulk of the financing.

Bin Laden visited Sarajevo in 1993 and obtained the Bosnian passport in Vienna. He appointed Al-Zawahiri to head the Al Qaeda operations in Bosnia. The role of these Islamists is addressed in detail elsewhere.

Here, briefly, they started arriving in June 1992. They were incorporated into the Army of B&H with Izetbegovic as the supreme commander. Their presence was legalized by Izetbegovic’s presidential decree signed on August 1, 1992. They were given the pamphlet titled: "Instructions to a Muslim Fighter."

Among other things it said: "...the military command has the right to decide whether it is more useful to release, exchange or kill the enemy prisoners of war." Numerous violations of the 1949 Geneva Convention were documented. Serbs living in areas where mujahideen operated abandoned en masse their homes and property leaving less than 50,000 Serbs in areas where about 500,000 lived before the war.

The mujahideen committed unspeakable atrocities including decapitations preceded by torture, severing of body parts and gouging of eyes [Doc Center, 2002].

The ICTY in the Hague has indicted nobody for these atrocities despite the fact that the UN authorities had detailed knowledge about these atrocities. The UN Commission of Experts, chaired by the American Muslim professor Cherif Bassiouni, in their report to the UN Security Council, stated: "The mujahideen forces came from several Muslim states and many of them were veterans of the Afghan war.

The mujahideen forces were reported to be under the command of the B&H Army... Reports also indicate that the mujahideen had the support of President Izetbegovic and his government...Reports submitted to the Commission of Experts alleged that the mujahideen have been responsible for the mutiliation and killing of civilians, rape, looting, the destruction of property, and the expulsion of non-Muslims...Troops from Saudi Arabia allegedly killed three Serbian Territorial Defence members and placed the victims’ severed heads on poles near the Tesanj turret. ..Beheadings of Serbs by mujahideen forces have also been reported in other areas [UN, 1994].

On November 14, 1993, Izetbegovic visited the mujahidden training camp in Zenica. He blessed the mujahideen fight and assistance to the brotherly nation in Bosnia. He also addressed members of his SDA party and told them that a joint state with the Serbs and Croats was an impossibility.
On September 11, 1995, Izetbegovic’s army including infamous "El Mujaheed" unit captured the town of Vozuca in central Bosnia. Mujahideen decapitated tens of captured Serb POWs. The survivor testimonies were corroborated by the photographs taken by the executioners, who posed next to their victims.

Besides photographs the executioners also filmed the executions and used them to produce propaganda material that was later distributed to donors abroad. A copy of the tape on which the ritual butchery was recorded was sent as a gift to Izetbegovic.Video-tapes of this massacre were sold for fund-raising purposes. Milan Ivancevic, a Serb member of the Commission for the Search of Missing, was quoted as saying: "General Mahmuljin (military commander) told me that the mujahideen who killed soldiers in Gosovici (village) presented Izetbegovic with 28 heads, while they sent the remaining 28 to Iran"

Izetbegovic’s pleas for the American intervention materialized on August, 30, 1995, when American-led NATO planes bombed the Bosnian Serb positions turning the tide of the war and contributing to Serbian defeats in Western Bosnia.

Prior to that, the U.S. brokered a truce with the Croats, leading to formation of so called Muslim-Croat federation in March 1994. Croatia had been allowed to attack Bosnian Serbs from Croatia and to have troops in Bosnia, while Serbia was sanctioned for helping Bosnian Serbs.

And what happened to Fikret Abdic?

He was found guilty in 2002 and sentenced to 20 yrs.

And what of Izetbegovic??? The UN refused to accept evidence against his Bosnian V army Corps and their Mujhadin fellow fighters for crimes against Abdic's muslim fighters and mostly muslim civilians which were some of the worst crimes committed during the Yugoslav civil wars but claimed that Izetbegovic was under investigation at the time of his death from natural causes.

And what of Abdic's men??? About 70,000 of them were accepted into Serbia proper as refugees, along with a sizable muslim civilian population who didn't want to live under the fundamentalist Islamic rule of Izetbegovic.

Best overview on the internet, well worth reading for those who are interested in the truth.


I am a moderate democrat, BTW. Just because I disagree with a far right reactionary like yourself doesn't make me a liberal. Please don't generalize my thoughts because they don't mesh with yours. You have no idea what I think. You just know I disagree with you. And there is very little subject matter for which I do not have a better understanding than you. Just so you know.


Does and don'ts for the progressive democrat.

I post on another forum where gsvol would just get tl;dr responses (too long;didn't read)
On September 11, 1995, Izetbegovic’s army including infamous "El Mujaheed" unit captured the town of Vozuca in central Bosnia. Mujahideen decapitated tens of captured Serb POWs. The survivor testimonies were corroborated by the photographs taken by the executioners, who posed next to their victims.

Besides photographs the executioners also filmed the executions and used them to produce propaganda material that was later distributed to donors abroad. A copy of the tape on which the ritual butchery was recorded was sent as a gift to Izetbegovic.Video-tapes of this massacre were sold for fund-raising purposes. Milan Ivancevic, a Serb member of the Commission for the Search of Missing, was quoted as saying: "General Mahmuljin (military commander) told me that the mujahideen who killed soldiers in Gosovici (village) presented Izetbegovic with 28 heads, while they sent the remaining 28 to Iran"

Izetbegovic’s pleas for the American intervention materialized on August, 30, 1995, when American-led NATO planes bombed the Bosnian Serb positions turning the tide of the war and contributing to Serbian defeats in Western Bosnia.

Prior to that, the U.S. brokered a truce with the Croats, leading to formation of so called Muslim-Croat federation in March 1994. Croatia had been allowed to attack Bosnian Serbs from Croatia and to have troops in Bosnia, while Serbia was sanctioned for helping Bosnian Serbs.

And what happened to Fikret Abdic?

He was found guilty in 2002 and sentenced to 20 yrs.

And what of Izetbegovic??? The UN refused to accept evidence against his Bosnian V army Corps and their Mujhadin fellow fighters for crimes against Abdic's muslim fighters and mostly muslim civilians which were some of the worst crimes committed during the Yugoslav civil wars but claimed that Izetbegovic was under investigation at the time of his death from natural causes.

And what of Abdic's men??? About 70,000 of them were accepted into Serbia proper as refugees, along with a sizable muslim civilian population who didn't want to live under the fundamentalist Islamic rule of Izetbegovic.

Best overview on the internet, well worth reading for those who are interested in the truth.

Does and don'ts for the progressive democrat[/B].


Didn't see anything about "democrat" anywhere in the prologue or the list itself.

Seems you might interjected "democrat" yourself into the subject, which BTW, is two totally separate things
gs, man, do you think any of us like to read that much? :)


Obviously the majority does not but there are exceptions.

So how do you form your opinions, out of thin air without considering the facts???

for real, whenever i see a post like that i just skip it


No doubt.

I am sowing seeds of truth, it isn't my fault if much of it falls on stony ground.

Go ahead and elucidate on your own knowledge.

I post on another forum where gsvol would just get tl;dr responses (too long;didn't read)

bing bang

Birds of a feather, the sound bite generation has a collective IQ in the single digits.

Didn't see anything about "democrat" anywhere in the prologue or the list itself.

Seems you might interjected "democrat" yourself into the subject, which BTW, is two totally separate things

bling bling

Actually the question was; (since mania praised moderate and put down radical muslims), what did you think of Clinton's policy of ignoring Abdic (the duly elected moderate muslim president of Bosnia) but supported radical fundamentalist Izetbegovic?????
(while violating UN resolutions by allowing Iran to arm islamic radicals in the Balkans and incorporating mujhadin radical warriors from all over and then supporting them with American air support.)

Would it not follow that Democrat Obama's secretary of state, Hitlary Clinton would continue the same disastrous foreign policies as her husband and that another of his appointments, Holbrooke, who was Albright's henceman in the Balkans responsible for that needless bloodbath and genocide would also make dubious decisions in carrying out America's foreign policy in the next four years????

To make it easier for you, the seeds of discord and civil war were facilitated by Bush I ambassador to Yugoslavia, Zimmerman, when he advised Izetbegovic to not honor the agreement he had made in Lisbon and I can nowhere detect that Bush II made any attempt to reverse Clinton's insane Balkan policy.

I do give credit though to the republican party though for a report that was entered into the congressional record.

If you have any care for the truth, then read this.

FWIW I can no see where McCain would have been any better as POTUS, at least we can hold the Democrats as responsible for what happens in the next four years, that is if we can look back on recent history with any realism at all. (That even seems remote at best.)

I have only one question, do any of you have a preference for a particular kind of cheese with your whine???

My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
He'd say "I'm gonna be like you dad
You know I'm gonna be like you"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home dad?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

My son turned ten just the other day
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play
Can you teach me to throw", I said "Not today
I got a lot to do", he said, "That's ok"
And he walked away but his smile never dimmed
And said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah
You know I'm gonna be like him"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

Well, he came home from college just the other day
So much like a man I just had to say
"Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and said with a smile
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
See you later, can I have them please?"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

I've long since retired, my son's moved away
I called him up just the other day
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind"
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I can find the time
You see my new job's a hassle and kids have the flu
But it's sure nice talking to you, Dad
It's been sure nice talking to you"

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
He'd grown up just like me
My boy was just like me

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home son?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then
hold on gsvol, i never "praised" moderate muslims. what i said was the extremists who want me dead i have a problem with. the ones who aren't out for blood i don't care. i'm not out to harm ppl of other religions. but i'll be damned if someone is coming for me, i'm stocked, locked, and ready to go.
by the way i'm no fan of clinton. do u think i'm an obama supporter or a supporter of the democratic party? ur dearly mistaken
hold on gsvol, i never "praised" moderate muslims. what i said was the extremists who want me dead i have a problem with. the ones who aren't out for blood i don't care. i'm not out to harm ppl of other religions. but i'll be damned if someone is coming for me, i'm stocked, locked, and ready to go.

don't forget the homos, you know you want to shoot them. I can't imagine the hate you feel for gay extremist muslims.
hold on gsvol, i never "praised" moderate muslims. what i said was the extremists who want me dead i have a problem with. the ones who aren't out for blood i don't care. i'm not out to harm ppl of other religions. but i'll be damned if someone is coming for me, i'm stocked, locked, and ready to go.

"Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45
Cause a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive" :rock:
:machgun::gun:we say grace, and we say ma'am and if you aint into that we dont give a damn,, we come from the west virginia coal mines and the rocky mountians and the western skies,,,

the best way honestly to deal with these people is some good ole hickory, Andrew Jackson politics...

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I guess I'm the only one on the Nation that thinks yelling "long live the dead guy" is pretty funny? Kind of defeats the purpose...don't you think.

Perhaps Bin Laden would have been more appropriate.

I do miss the days where bystanders would have simply "taken care" of behaviors like this.
hahahaha long live "the dead guy" hahaha

i lump these idiots in with the westboro (sp?) chruch fruit cakes, wheres hells angels when you need them...
hahahaha long live "the dead guy" hahaha

i lump these idiots in with the westboro (sp?) chruch fruit cakes, wheres hells angels when you need them...

Now that would be worth reading about. If you get beaten to death by Hell's Angels do you get more virgins?
Now that would be worth reading about. If you get beaten to death by Hell's Angels do you get more virgins?
That may be the first time in recorded history that the terms "hell's angels" and "virgins" were used in a sentence.

VN Store
