My annual gift from Dad, painting of Vols over Dores!


Do you think the ‘highly intelligent academics at vandy’ will ever realize, “To those unaware of the intricacies of nautical travel, “anchor down” means STOP. A ship may drop anchor for a number of reasons, perhaps to await PASSAGE of a TEMPEST and or ALLOW the CREW to REST.”? Of course, the “commodore” was no commodore either.
dang those are sweet...but I can do some of the best stick people you ever saw...they call me Vincent Van Gone...:D

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Do you think the ‘highly intelligent academics at vandy’ will ever realize, “To those unaware of the intricacies of nautical travel, “anchor down” means STOP. A ship may drop anchor for a number of reasons, perhaps to await PASSAGE of a TEMPEST and or ALLOW the CREW to REST.”? Of course, the “commodore” was no commodore either.
Dude, you missed the history lesson. Ships drop anchor preparing to fight. Don't you know anything???:p:D:p:D:p:p:p
What an absolutely AMAZING yearly gift. That is SO awesome on so many levels. You will cherish those and pass those on for generations. That’s a legacy gift. Thanks for sharing. Sincerely.
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My goodness, he's very talented. What treasures you have from your dad to pass on to your children one day!
EXACTLY my first thought...those should remain in your family forever. Priceless is a word thrown around often carelessly but that's the only word that works here. My brother (before he got arthritic , nervous, and shaky was an artist and has done several Vols paintings. We treasure those as well and all I have is a photo of the paintings :(:(. Thanks for sharing Doug. You were IMO top three all time VFLer.
Do you think the ‘highly intelligent academics at vandy’ will ever realize, “To those unaware of the intricacies of nautical travel, “anchor down” means STOP. A ship may drop anchor for a number of reasons, perhaps to await PASSAGE of a TEMPEST and or ALLOW the CREW to REST.”? Of course, the “commodore” was no commodore either.

When you consider that a ship puts its "anchor down" when it is not intending to go anywhere, it's perfectly appropriate for Vandy.
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