I would never compare CCM to DD. BUT ...
My perception, as an Alumni who has been around since crazy Ray's days, is that CCM has underachieved.
Yes, in CCM's 1st year, we ended up second in the conference, seeded #2 in the SEC Tourney, but we promptly lost to #7 seed (Ole Miss).
If his development of our players is so great and he is recruiting 5* players, why have we yet to make the NCAA under CCM? And our performance (or lack thereof) in the NIT highlights it even more ... 2013 NIT - seeded #2 and lost 1st round to the #7 (Mercer); 2012 NIT seeded #1 and lost 2nd round to #4 (MTSU).
CCM is a high integrity person, but too introverted (IMO). As an alumni living out-of-state, I have not seen any evidence of his active marketing (selling) of the program or any outward public relations. Very few non-SEC people that I've dealt with even know who our Men's BB coach is (and he is on his 3rd year). When CBP was the coach, I never had to tell anyone. So I think he has underachieved from a marketing and PR perspective.
Even though our attendance is still ranked pretty good, actual paid attendance has dropped year-to-year.
If I were evaluating him, I would say he has not met all of his performance objectives and would give him a poor job performance rating.