Given people died on 9/11 from this very (insinuated) thing, I dont find this very amusing
Good god! Im tired of the legion of the offended.
People die having sex.
I'm sure you've avoided that too.
I dont even get what this has to do with 9-11 anyway. Its a stretch, always pitiful when people have to twist words and jump to conclusions just to be offended.
Seems dumb.
Given how many people just read the headlines of posts in this forum I found it to be very poor in taste. Also if youll remember in conjunction with the greater 9/11 attacks there were anthrax attacks via mail and people did die from it
5 people died 16 years ago.
This joke was around way before that ever happened. That's what should be offensive
And people die from bleach, what you joked about drinking.