Name idea female Bluetick?

We picked up this Blue Tick Sunday night. We named him Smokey "of course" but in NC it's not a common name.

We haven't had a dog in 2 years but the kids have been begging for one. I had a Blue Tick named Blue as my best friend when I was young. Wanted to share the same feeling with my kids.

Kinda funny to see this thread at the same time.


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Native American Dog Names

Adoeete (AD-O-EET) Perfect for a large or tall dog; means "Big Tree"
Alikkees (AL-IK-KEES) From the Nez Percé, "Hair Cut Short." This might be good for dogs with short coats.
Chaska (CHAS-KAH) From the Sioux, meaning first Born Son"
Dakota (DAH-KO-TAH) A name that signifies Friend" or "Ally"
Diwali (DIH-WAH-LEE) From the Cherokee, meaning "The Bowl"
Guipagho (GOO-EE-PAG-HO) Of the Kiowa, which means "Lone Wolf"
Hache-Hi (HACH-EH-HI) From the Arapaho. "Wolf"
Hiawatha (HI-AH-WAH-THA) "He Makes Rivers"
Hosa (HO-SAH) From the Arapaho, meaning "Young Crow"
Irateba (IR-AH-TEH-BAH) "Beautiful Bird." Mohave in origin.
Kangi (KAN-GEE) Of the Sioux; means crow or raven.
Kawa (KAH-WAH) Means "Great." Apache in origin.
Lallo (LAL-LO) From the Kiowa; means "Little Boy"
Mahaska (MAH-HAS-KAH) means "White Cloud." A great naming idea of a white, fluffy dog like a Bichon Frisé.
Mato (MAH-TO) means "Bear." Good for a large dog, or a dog that has a bear-like appearance, such as a Chow Chow.
Nashoba (NAH-SHO-BAH) Choctaw in origin. Means "Wolf"
Pocano (POH-CAN-O) From the Pueblo tribes. Means "Coming of the Spirits"
Samoset (SAM-O-SET) An Algonquin name, usually bestowed to one who has taken long journeys. Means literally "He Who Walks Over Much"
Tadi (TAD-EE) Wind
Tahoma (TA-HO-MAH) A Navajo word that means "Water's Edge." Pacific Northwest tribes also used this term to mean"Snowy Peak," so take your pick of the meaning that you like best!
Walkara (WAHL-KAH-RAH)This comes from the name of a chief whose last name was Walker
We picked up this Blue Tick Sunday night. We named him Smokey "of course" but in NC it's not a common name.

We haven't had a dog in 2 years but the kids have been begging for one. I had a Blue Tick named Blue as my best friend when I was young. Wanted to share the same feeling with my kids.

Kinda funny to see this thread at the same time.


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