"I've only ever had about three boyfriends. Only a handful of people have seen into the Pharaoh's Tomb... My best feature is unfortunately a private matter, although I'm told it is spectacular. But you can't really walk it down the red carpet. What can I say?"
Portman is a really good actress and 4 some reason I thought she was really HOTT in the movie where she was pregnant.....with that being said.....Kate is DAMN FINE......plus she is in one of my favorite all time movie trilogies....UNDERWORLD......:rock:
both at the same time. But if I had to choose, I would choose Beckinsale. I only do so because it seems like after having a go with Portman, she would want to talk about some emotional stuff or something seriously depressing. Beckinsale seems like the type to just get up and make you breakfast. That's why I'm going with Beckinsale.