National Guard Betrayed By Biden

Will never defend what happened that day. That said there was no need for the massive deployment of NG for the Inauguration. It just so happens that Team Biden and separately Schiff are pushing new Domestic Terrorism legislation - what better way to show the public it's needed then put on a big show?

It's the yellow cake/aluminum tubes equivalent
For some context:

Capitol Police has about 2200 officers
DC Metro Police has about 3800 officers
Secret Service has about 3200 agents and 1300 uniformed officers

That alone is over 10,000 LEO's available to protect the inauguration.

In addition, LEOs from around the country were brought in.

On top of that 25,000 National Guard were deployed.

Anyone who thinks this was the number needed to prevent some type of action and not a politically driven display of power is smoking crack rock.
For some context:

Capitol Police has about 2200 officers
DC Metro Police has about 3800 officers
Secret Service has about 3200 agents and 1300 uniformed officers

That alone is over 10,000 LEO's available to protect the inauguration.

In addition, LEOs from around the country were brought in.

On top of that 25,000 National Guard were deployed.

Anyone who thinks this was the number needed to prevent some type of action and not a politically driven display of power is smoking crack rock.
Well tbf they did allow 100 counter protesters who had to be screened. 350 to 1 is shaky odds but thankfully they were able to maintain control.
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you your position is that in addition to local LEOs, the Secret Service etc that 25K NG troops were necessary? We maintain green zones in Afghanistan and Iraq with a fraction of that number but DC requires 25K?

Apparently it takes very little to spook those bastards in congress.
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