Since you've claimed to be a McCain "supporter", I'm anxiously waiting for your thesis on all the things you find wrong with an Obama administration.
There is no use in jumping the gun.
It will come in due time and I have all the patience in the world. I am intelligent enough to know that if you declared failed policies at the first of the Administration, then when the real blunders occur you sound like the boy crying "Wolf" or Chicken Little "Declaring that the Sky in Falling". I would rather be in a position to say "I told you so, you idiot" versus sitting around the table like a bunch of old hens.
You have to let the failures occur and then cease the moment. If you wish to nit pick at every little item you are missing the big picture and losing sight of the ultimate goal which would be a one term President with the restoration of power to the Republican Party. If you don't think we are licking our wounds right now then bang your head against the wall some more.
Lose some small battles to win the War. Set the tone and be consistent in the attack. Don't engage in every skirmish because it will drain viable resources. Finally, never underestimate your enemy. Trust me President elect BO is going to have some successes.
The economy is not going to be fixed immediately. Makes no difference who was elected. Presently, the problem still rests with President Bush and not the new guy.
Fortunately or unfortunately, we live in a country which will expect PEBHO to fix it immediately. I know and hopefully you know it Ain't going happen quickly. There is built in failure for this administration. Their is little patience in a society that is loosing jobs and in the middle of a deep recession. BHO accepts responsibility for it in Jan 09. The fix for recovery is at least two to three year out. The Dow will probably go to 7500 although there seems to be strong support at 8300. Last year Oct 07, I told my wife it would go below 10000 before it topped 15000. I think the man has to deal with enough right now without throwing anymore crap at him. So what's the point in wasting time and energy on him until necessary.
To be perfectly honest, I hope he succeeds because it would sure as hell be better than what this country has endured over the last several years. Why do you want him to fail are you a sadist. If he fails we are the ones suffering will not be him it will be us. To wish ill will on him is to wish it on the country. You cannot control everything so stay out of the fray.
Picking on HS programs and spinning words sets the type of intolerance that is not needed. These type programs are already mandated in some states. Georgia is one. Both my sons attended private schools many years ago and they had this requirement. Do not know your children but they may want to do it. Are you going to say no the big bad President did this and it is not necessary. Great Leadership in the home.
That's really a great approach to life, "I want that damn socialist, liberal, communist to fail so that all of us can be miserable and so we can complain more about what is wrong with him and this country for electing him.
Why don't you try to be the solution instead of the Problem.
Right now I am just sitting and waiting. I have been trading in the commodities and futures markets most of today and still drawing a paycheck, my and your taxpayer's dollars for services rendered. Currently in two recession proof jobs. Retirement and the Markets.
I am taking my leads from Senator J. McCain. It was tough on him the other night I am sure, but he seems to have gotten over it. Buddies and Ribs at his Sedona cabin the next day. Today at the local Starbucks and ready to stated he was ready to go back to work for his country. Pretty admirable. Now that is Leading by example. Hate to disappoint you but he was not sulking over his loss nor was he ripping President Elect Obama apart today. He said the other that he wished him his best and I kinda think he meant it. So maybe we should follow his lead and pick up the sword when needed.
You should get over it and try it. Hell of lot more for John McCain to suck up than you. He got his orders and still getting up in the morning and he will be there for all of us until he dies. Take a hint. Will he change, hell no he will continue to do what is right. Watch, listen and learn from him.
He understands more than any of us will ever know what is at stake in this Presidency and for this country. He will put this country first and will continue to be the needed balance in Washington that will keep this country from going to far right or left.
In doing so, he will not behave in the irrational nor degrading or demoralizing manner to prove his point This is left up to the unimportant ones sitting on the internet with nothing better to do than to offer their worthless opinions (of which I am one in a group of many).
I trust him to continue to serve this country and to continue to ask tough question and demand the answers. I may not always agree with him, but I still support him.
I think we got the Real McCain back the other night in defeat and you can rest assured that if something is not right in Washington DC he will be there to fix it.
I did not want this to happen, but it did. Live with it, make adjustments accept it and move on because you cannot change it. You are no better the people you criticize.
The moon, the stars and the sun do not sit, revolve or rise around Barack Obama but some of you seem to think they do and will make him a better President than he may have been when he proves you wrong.
Take a lesson from John McCain. First, the nation needs to heal and we can deal with the crap once we get it back on track.
I am just thankful that none of us are having any of these discussions on this board at a bar.