NBC opens a can of worms.

Of course he's trying to influence through his commentary, but there's a world of difference between making a point through satire and jokes and presenting it as legitimate news and straight opinion.

If your sick of it, turn the channel lawgator.

This 100%. Comparing people like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to people like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity is just.... wrong.
This 100%. Comparing people like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to people like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity is just.... wrong.

one is honest with his agenda and the other isn't. that is the only difference. stewart has just happened to find an excellent way to get his agenda to young people.
Do you listen to comedy acts and expect all of it to be non-fiction? I certainly don't. There's an innate difference.

Speaking of comedy acts.

Once again Barack Obama waded into territory of which he has no knowledge: American history. Not only did he say during a TV interview that he doesn’t want “victory” in Afghanistan -- because victory is apparently too harsh for the losers -- but he used an example from WWII that never even happened to justify his touchy feely ideas on warfare. So will anyone in the Old Media even realize that the president’s historical example was a muff-up of real history? Will the Old Media make fun of him for his obvious lack of knowledge of our own history?


Pardon me while I interupt comedy central to get back to the topic of this thread.

Revoking the Major's orders is one thing but getting him fired from his job reminds me of one of my favorite scenes and lines from 'good morning Vietnam'; 'That was just plain mean."

I'm not saying it's off limits, just that he should stop hiding behind the "i'm a comedian it doesn't really mean anything" bs and just admit that he is no different than bill o'reilly or rush limbaugh. i'm also sick of him saying he makes fun of everybody. it's ridiculous that he refuses to admit that his show has a huge political liberal bias (btw he has said he is a liberal, but regurally claims his show has no bias).

I watch it every night because it's funny as hell, but I don't ever recall him claiming the show to be non-biased. I've seen them run hit pieces on Dems and Repubs alike, mostly Repubs, so I can see where you might not like the show.

With the way the episodes go, does he really need to come right out and say that it's liberal slanted? I mean, it's right there in your face, no question about it most of the time.

He does, semi-regularly, make a point to the viewers to not take everything they "report" as truth. Some of the stories are so far out beyond the realm of believability, that JS has trouble making it through the piece without cracking up himself.

If I see something on the show that sparks my interest, I watch their take on it, then check credible news sources to get the real story.

I'm sure there are some out there that take the stories at face value and run with it, but that's their problem, not TDS's.
all of it

That's where you get your sharp, incisive political viewpoints???


Why would Barry spend so much money to defend these suits when he could just produce his documents and the whole brouhaha would go away??

Why does it even matter at all??

The total arrogance that one must have to call someone a birther (like you’ve seen some proof of Obama’s birth) stems from psychotic and fringe behavior of maladjusted social engineered lemmings that feeble-mindedly follow along with the piped-pipe of the corrupt Democrat Party.

Rather than questioning the illegitimate authority of a usurper and his ACORN coup d'état takeover of the United States of America you call truth seekers, birthers or kooks when you yourselves are the kooks.

The bottom line is it is wrong for someone, to be President when he knew before he ran that he was not constitutionally qualified. It is wrong for anyone to aid him and defend him whether or not they know he is qualified. If one knew that this is a question (and everyone does Obama mentions it himself) then it is your duty as an American citizen to ask Barack Hussein Obama for proof of his Constitutional eligibility to hold office.

If he refuses to show you his eligibility or he can’t then it is your duty to demand that all of the legal authority of the United States of America is brought to bear on Obama and everyone who transgressed this nation’s laws in order to gain illegitimate power thus making our country an illegitimate power.

Obama birth certificate matters because this is a nation of laws and as long as he remain president without valid proof that he is complying with the laws of this nation he make this a lawless nation.

Just think if it is this easy for someone to misrepresent himself and take control of this country and Americans are too confused or too weak to demand what is right and what is true then America is not great or smart or any of the things we used to be.

For America’s sake, for the founding fathers sake, for your children’s sake you need to see proof that the man who is representing himself as the president of the United States of America is eligible to do so. If he is not you have the constitutional authority to demand that he and his cabinet and his czars and his vice president vacate office.

That is your right.

Why did NBC lie?????


Was it ignorance, stupidity or something else???
That's where you get your sharp, incisive political viewpoints???

bunch of cut & paste mumbo-jumbo

If you can't bother to read and comprehend what I said, then I will do the same.

And to think I took you off of ignore after you disappeared. Back you go.
If you can't bother to read and comprehend what I said, then I will do the same.

And to think I took you off of ignore after you disappeared. Back you go.

I see you havn't wised up one bit while I was gone. :finger3:

And another one bites the dust.

Ignorance? Stupidity? Or is it something else??

Inquiring minds must know.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependency back again into bondage.

Sir Alex Fraser Tyler: (1742-1813) Scottish jurist and historian

There should be a line in there now about watching the boob tube a lot!!
(especially jan stewart or whatever his name is) gs :)


"The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.
One word of truth outweighs the world."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918- ) Russian writer, Soviet dissident, imprisoned for 8 years for critizing Stalin in a personal letter,
Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970

Barry hasn't produced his birth certificate to prove himself elegible to be president, anyone saying different is either ignorant or lying and doesn't need to be calling other people names. gs :no:

"We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure.
Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public.
Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity."

Theodore Roosevelt - (1858-1919) 26th US President

How many times have we caught Barry lying??? gs :question:


Laws just or unjust may govern men's actions. Tyrannies may restrain or regulate their words.

The machinery of propaganda may pack their minds with falsehood and deny them truth for many generations of time.

But the soul of man thus held in trance or frozen in a long night can be awakened by a spark coming from God knows where and in a moment the whole structure of lies and oppression is on trial for its life.

Sir Winston Churchill

Support H.R 1207 gs :zeitung_lesen:


"When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to suscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe;he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime."

Thomas Paine "The Age of Reason" 1793

That is why it is important to do this thing in a lawful, legal orderly manner, for if we do not, then we open the door for all sorts of evil deeds. gs :scare:


"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices."

- Edward R. Murrow

If you can't bother to read and comprehend what I said, then I will do the same.

And to think I took you off of ignore after you disappeared. Back you go.

Did he seriously accuse someone else of "cut and paste mumbo jumbo?" Amazing.
I watch it every night because it's funny as hell, but I don't ever recall him claiming the show to be non-biased. I've seen them run hit pieces on Dems and Repubs alike, mostly Repubs, so I can see where you might not like the show.

With the way the episodes go, does he really need to come right out and say that it's liberal slanted? I mean, it's right there in your face, no question about it most of the time.

He does, semi-regularly, make a point to the viewers to not take everything they "report" as truth. Some of the stories are so far out beyond the realm of believability, that JS has trouble making it through the piece without cracking up himself.

If I see something on the show that sparks my interest, I watch their take on it, then check credible news sources to get the real story.

I'm sure there are some out there that take the stories at face value and run with it, but that's their problem, not TDS's.

when asked if his show has a liberal bias he says that he makes fun of everybody. doesn't that at least imply that it there isn't a bias?
the funny part is when cramer went on his show stewart from his dumbass questions made it pretty clear he knows nothing about finance or economics.

Neither man scored a knockout, but from a journalistic standpoint, Stewart scored the mightiest blows.
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when asked if his show has a liberal bias he says that he makes fun of everybody. doesn't that at least imply that it there isn't a bias?

They do make fun of both sides, just moreso the Repubs.

I'll assume you don't watch it, so you would have missed them poking at Obama the past couple of weeks. I don't think they ever really gave Biden any slack whatsoever from the beginning.
Did he seriously accuse someone else of "cut and paste mumbo jumbo?" Amazing.

If ever in you life you have even the first time passed a test in reading comprehension, then I fear for the future of this nation. :fool:

About the only mumbo jumbo around here comes from those lemmings who believe the lestist oriented disinformation outlet 'fact check' always tells the Gospel truth.
all of it

I guess our definitions of comedy are completely different.

the funny part is when cramer went on his show stewart from his dumbass questions made it pretty clear he knows nothing about finance or economics.

I agree, but as was stated before, Cramer is kind of an easy target, so that's what most people remember.
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No, that was me cutting off all his c&p and paraphrasing it so it saves Freak some bandwidth.

Yeah, I had him on ignore so I was taken aback by the audacity of that statement, thanks for clarifying. I figured I would respond to the one he directed at me though.
No, that was me cutting off all his c&p and paraphrasing it so it saves Freak some bandwidth.

Speaking of saving Freakin' band with, do you think anyone gives a rats ass about what you think is funny??

You and emain, who are both sidestepping the issue and the topic of the thread, probably think Al Franken is hilarious also.
As comedians go, he was the least funny of any I know in my life time which is most likely longer than that of the two of your's combined.

Do you think Stewart's ridicule in anyway addresses these serious issues???

Do you think Brian Williams emotional outburst did one whit to answer the legal issues???


(I hadn't noticed before but if I were going to do a painting of the proverbial glass jaw, I do think Williams would make the best model I could find, no?)

Edit: you know what, it's not even worth it.

At a loss for words again?? Ho-hum, nothing new there. What brought you out from under your rock in the first place??

If you, Lazy and Luau Louie can get your panties untwined from your necks for a moment, you might consider this; (a c&p) :matrix:

Get Out Of War Free Card

Vox Day says the case of the missing birth certificate grows more and more curious. It has been fascinating to see how quickly various news sites have been frantically altering their assertions regarding Obama’s birth hospital ever since Jerome Corsi broke the news of Barack Obama’s letter to the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children on July 6.

This means that Obama was either born twice in Hawaii, or he was not born at Queen’s Medical Center, as he claimed in 2007 when he first announced his presidential candidacy in Springfield, Ill.

The attempt of the Obama administration to confuse the issue by substituting a computerized Certification of Live Birth for an actual Certificate of Live Birth — which contains information about the birth hospital as well as the signature of the attending physician or midwife — has failed.

While numerous attempts to clarify the historical record have been successfully fought by the administration’s lawyers, the issue became much more serious when Maj. Stefan Cook, a U.S. Army reservist with deployment orders to Afghanistan, filed a lawsuit regarding his questions about the legality of a deployment order based on the command of a potentially illegitimate commander in chief.

But rather than contesting the suit, the Army took the highly peculiar step of revoking the major’s deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief.

The doubts this action raised about Obama’s legitimacy were further increased when Maj. Cook was almost immediately fired from his civilian job at a private defense contractor, reportedly due to pressure from a federal agency under the Department of Defense, the Defense Security Services Agency.

Although the obvious purpose of revoking the deployment order was to render the lawsuit moot, the firing only provides Maj. Cook with additional ammunition for broadening the scope of his lawsuit now that he has suffered demonstrable material damages.

Maj. Cook has already been joined in his lawsuit by two other soldiers, a retired Army two-star general and an active reserve Air Force lieutenant colonel.

But the potential consequences of the major’s revoked deployment go far beyond the number of American soldiers with doubts about the legitimacy of orders from their nominal commander in chief.

The Pentagon’s decision to back down rather than risk exposing Obama’s birth records to the public means that every single American soldier, sailor, pilot and Marine now holds a “get out of war free” card.

Not only every deployment order, but every order issued from an officer in the line of command can now be challenged in the knowledge that the top brass are afraid to respond for fear that their commander could be exposed for a fraud.

Given the number of sea and barracks lawyers in the various branches of the U.S. military, it seems unlikely that it will take very long for servicemen who are disinclined to accept an unpalatable or dangerous order to figure out how to best make use of this useful little veto. If even a small number of soldiers elect to do so, the effect on military discipline could rapidly become catastrophic.

It is hard to comprehend why Obama has been so obsessively secretive about his personal records, but it is now time for him to call off his lawyers and show the American public his cards.


It would be the height of irresponsibility for the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces to be the source of destroying American military discipline. Permitting such an easily preventable situation to develop would very strongly imply that the man is not only ineligible for the office, but unfit for it as well.

The question about the Obama birth certificate is no longer one of conspiracy theory or hypothetical illegitimacy, as it now threatens to become a very serious military matter. Regardless of whether Barack Obama was born at the Kapi’olani Medical Center, at the Queen’s Medical Center, in Kenya or in a manger, the issue will have to be conclusively settled in the near future.

It is one thing for Obama to deny the curiosity of the American public by hiding behind the courts. It is very much another for him to deny the right of the men and women of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, who are sworn to risk their lives upholding the Constitution of the United States of America, to be certain their orders are legitimate.

(and who could theoretically prosecuted in the world court for war crimes!)gs

Where is the birth certificate?


I've highlighted some of the more pertinant points for you convenience.

don't thank me now, thank me later.


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