No, that was me cutting off all his c&p and paraphrasing it so it saves Freak some bandwidth.
Speaking of saving Freakin' band with, do you think anyone gives a rats ass about what you think is funny??
You and emain, who are both sidestepping the issue and the topic of the thread, probably think Al Franken is hilarious also.
As comedians go, he was the least funny of any I know in my life time which is most likely longer than that of the two of your's combined.
Do you think Stewart's ridicule in anyway addresses these serious issues???
Do you think Brian Williams emotional outburst did one whit to answer the legal issues???
(I hadn't noticed before but if I were going to do a painting of the proverbial glass jaw, I do think Williams would make the best model I could find, no?)
Edit: you know what, it's not even worth it.
At a loss for words again?? Ho-hum, nothing new there. What brought you out from under your rock in the first place??
If you, Lazy and Luau Louie can get your panties untwined from your necks for a moment, you might consider this; (a c&p) :matrix:
Get Out Of War Free Card
Vox Day says the case of the missing birth certificate grows more and more curious. It has been fascinating to see how quickly various news sites have been
frantically altering their assertions regarding Obamas birth hospital ever since Jerome Corsi broke the news of Barack Obamas letter to the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children on July 6.
This means that Obama was
either born twice in Hawaii, or he was not born at Queens Medical Center, as he claimed in 2007 when he first announced his presidential candidacy in Springfield, Ill.
The attempt of the Obama administration to confuse the issue by substituting a computerized Certification of Live Birth for an actual Certificate of Live Birth which contains information about the birth hospital as well as the signature of the attending physician or midwife
has failed.
While numerous attempts to clarify the historical record have been successfully fought by the administrations lawyers, the issue became much more serious when Maj. Stefan Cook, a U.S. Army reservist with deployment orders to Afghanistan, filed a lawsuit regarding his questions about the legality of a deployment order based on the command of a
potentially illegitimate commander in chief.
But rather than contesting the suit, the Army took the
highly peculiar step of revoking the majors deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief.
The doubts this action raised about Obamas legitimacy were further increased when
Maj. Cook was almost immediately fired from his civilian job at a private defense contractor, reportedly due to pressure from a federal agency under the Department of Defense, the Defense Security Services Agency.
Although the
obvious purpose of revoking the deployment order was to render the lawsuit moot, the firing only provides Maj. Cook with additional ammunition for
broadening the scope of his lawsuit now that he has suffered demonstrable material damages.
Maj. Cook has already
been joined in his lawsuit by two other soldiers, a retired
Army two-star general and an active reserve
Air Force lieutenant colonel.
But the potential consequences of the majors revoked deployment go far beyond the number of American soldiers with doubts about the legitimacy of orders from their nominal commander in chief.
The Pentagons
decision to back down rather than risk exposing Obamas birth records to the public means that every single American soldier, sailor, pilot and Marine now holds a get out of war free card.
Not only every deployment order, but every order issued from an officer in the line of command can now be challenged in the knowledge that the top brass are afraid to respond for fear that their commander could be exposed for a fraud.
Given the number of sea and barracks lawyers in the various branches of the U.S. military, it seems unlikely that it will take very long for servicemen who are disinclined to accept an unpalatable or dangerous order to figure out how to best make use of this useful little veto. If even a small number of soldiers elect to do so, the effect on military discipline could rapidly become catastrophic.
It is hard to comprehend why Obama has been
so obsessively secretive about his personal records, but it is now time for him to call off his lawyers and show the American public his cards.
It would be the height of irresponsibility for the commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces to be the source of destroying American military discipline. Permitting such an easily preventable situation to develop would very strongly imply that the
man is not only ineligible for the office, but unfit for it as well.
The question about the Obama birth certificate is no longer one of conspiracy theory or hypothetical illegitimacy, as it now threatens to become a very serious military matter. Regardless of whether Barack Obama was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center, at the Queens Medical Center, in Kenya or in a manger, the issue will have to be conclusively settled in the near future.
It is one thing for Obama to deny the curiosity of the American public by hiding behind the courts.
It is very much another for him to deny the right of the men and women of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, who are sworn to risk their lives upholding the Constitution of the United States of America, to be certain their orders are legitimate.
(and who could theoretically prosecuted in the world court for war crimes!)gs
Where is the birth certificate?
I've highlighted some of the more pertinant points for you convenience.
don't thank me now, thank me later.