Ncaa Football



Senior Member
Feb 8, 2005
Last Nite ESPN reported that the NCAA will meet feb 24 to decide weither instant replay should be added to every division 1A football conference, the big 10 already has it, is instant replay a good idea?
It would be a great thing to have it in the SEC....If we had it a while back a certain Florida game would be a little different LOL....I'm still mad about that game....But all that aside...That would really help college football out...At least then, when you get beat you won't have to wonder if that call was right or if you got snubbed and lost the game because of a bad call
Well, you gotta let bad calls go. I will admit that the refs did tip it a little our way, if anything. Granted, the players made the final drive but that opportunity wouldn't have been available without the refs making the calls they did and we would have been taken down by a mediocre team.
yes i would love replay in the ncaa's. as long as coaches dont get to challenge and it comes straight from uptop. coaches challenge just for the heck of it sometimes. there have been alot of really questionable calls the last couple of years.
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 10, 2005 6:23 PM
i enjoy it in the NFL would probly enjoy it in NCAA's too as long as it doesnt determine a Tennessee games outcome lol

I think the correct call should always determine a game's outcome. I used to believe that it's a ref's job to make the correct call, but a lot of the time I watch college ball, I see further and further that it can't be done. Whether it is blatant bias or just nearsightedness, rarely have I seen a game called well.
Originally posted by JohnsonCityVol@Feb 10, 2005 7:42 PM
You guys do know that in the 04 UT/UF game the ref ignored the hands to the face penalty on the UF WR, right?

And they also made calls slanted towards us. My point is that the refs were terrible that game, and their terrible calls gave us a window to win the game. I would rather lose a fair game than win one because a bad call favored my team.
Even if that game was called fair, I don't think we could have won it. Closer margin for sure, but still a loss. Our defense just couldn't play on the same level as Auburn last season.
We definitely did have a chance to win it and could have, but the bad calls created huge momentum shifts away from us.
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 10, 2005 11:14 PM
I don't think it would have happened. Our defense simply could not hang with Auburn last season.

They can't when they have interference called against them that didn't happen and that gives Auburn a TD.
Man, our pass defense was terrible at the end of last season. Campbell would have picked us apart either way.
Regardless of our pass defense, it turned out to be a 10 point game, which to me says one touchdown and the momentum shift that came with it, not to mention the other bad calls which either gave Auburn a critical 1st down or took them away from us, could easily have been the difference in the game. You could feel the air being let out of the crowd every time one of those calls was made. Even alot of the Auburn fans I sat near at the game admitted they escaped with (or were given) that one.
We gave them a tough game, yes. I still think that they won it fair and square. If you say otherwise, then by the same train of thought, refs handed us the win over Florida.
As you said in an earlier post they gave us a window to win the game but they also made a couple of bad calls against us that game, the same as they took a game from us on a td that wasn't a few years ago. All I am saying is there are several big games a year decided by the refs. I believe most of it is just honest mistakes. You win some, you lose some. It works out. We definitely don't need instant replay IMO. If we aren't careful, we will be watching 5 hour college football games. I personally like to watch 3 or more games every fall Saturday with a couple of hours of highlights of other games mixed in, not one game. I get close enuf to divorced every fall as it is, don't make it worse.
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 10, 2005 11:04 PM
Even if that game was called fair, I don't think we could have won it. Closer margin for sure, but still a loss. Our defense just couldn't play on the same level as Auburn last season.

I gotta disagree with you on this one Milo.....We had two TD's scored if I'm not mistaken...Cedric Houston ran one in and was standing in the end zone doing the Jig when they threw a flag and called it back and then we had one ball get back that our tight end made a spectacular catch on that was a TD so we would have won that game if we hadn't have been playing Auburn and refs...JMO
I have tried to block this past SECCG out my mind except for the great runs by Riggs.
I think it was still a good game. It proved to everybody how tough we were, even if we didn't win. Not to mention that game leading us into the Cotton Bowl as underdogs.
Yeah, we were getting the things that we needed in that game in order to win it. Turnovers being one of them. I just have to wonder what might have been if we could have jumped on that fumble in the endzone after Caddy let it go. That could have changed the game up some. All in all though, those penalties killed us, if not for all of those, we could have won it no doubt.

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