If you had read my comments, you would have seen that I have repeatedly agreed that the bathroom issue was a non-issue, and the question I repeatedly asked was, why did the city of Charlotte feel the need to stir up a hornets nest over a non-issue?
If you had read my comments, you would have seen my acknowledgement that transgenders were already using those bathrooms (again, so why the Charlotte law). And, contrary to your assertion, what you have not seen is any claim by me that transgender people are a special threat to my wife and daughters (more on that below). But thanks for the "Johnson City is full of backwater hicks, so what would they know" comment. Was that an example of the open-minded, tolerant, treat-everyone-as-an-individual, "progressive" outlook?
I agree that these "non-discrimination" laws do not pose any additional threat to my wife and daughters from transgender people, but that's not the whole picture, is it? Under these laws, any pervert can hang around and enter the women's restroom by claiming to be transgender. Now, not only is his presence protected by law, my little girls are branded as bigots if they are frightened, or object, or complain. You are simply wrong and wholly inconsiderate to claim these laws don't affect their safety and well-being.
The Obama Administration has ruled that a person is the gender that they choose to be. Self-identification trumps all, and it is illegal to impose any further requirements. Functionally, the NCAA disagrees. In defiance of the law, they allow transgender athletes to compete as female only if they are undergoing hormone therapy. I'm guessing those bigoted hypocrites at the NCAA have a total lack of understanding of the transgendered community. Wouldn't you agree?
Fight the good fight? Hardly. We all acknowledge, before the laws and the Obama Administration rulings, this was a non-issue. The only thing that has been accomplished is to endanger women and engender resentment -- and maybe one more thing. It allows "progressives" to once again don their smug, self-satisfied, and well-practiced pose as moral superiors. Frankly, I'm sick of it.
So a couple of things:
First the Charlotte law was not that controversial. Why do you believe it stirred the hornet's nest? There were more than 225 cities and counties around the country that had added this language to the standard "not discriminate based on age, race, religion, or gender" to, you could say, update this to include, gay, lesbian, & transgender specifically. These cities had this in place prior to Charlotte. Seems like as the largest city in NC, they felt it prudent to add this language.
FYI - Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, and 6-7 more cities in NC already has this passed prior to Charlotte Why did those laws not stir the hornets nest
What happened next was NC passed an oppressive law that not only overturns Charlottes ban: It also prevents any local governments from passing their own non-discrimination ordinances, mandates that students in the states schools use bathrooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate, and prevents cities from enacting minimum wages higher than the states
(Ask me what minimum wages has to do with LGBT issues, or better, explain it to me because I wont have an answer)
Next: you acknowledge that transgenders were using the bathroom, and you acknowledge this does not add a threat to you wife or daughters from transgender people. But you later still insist this law poses a threat to your wife and daughter and/or women and girls in general. In fact you insist it multiple times.
You say any pervert can do this. I guess I need you to clarify what you mean by pervert...pedophiles, rapists, etc...NOT including actual LGBT people? Again, if I go to a Walmart or Target, or a Mc Donalds, nobody is there monitoring the restrooms. So any pervert can do this now. So, again, logically, your premise and argument are invalid.
Further, I'm not inconsiderate, I am pragmatic. I am not overly emotional about issues because they MAY affect me. Facts & Evidence are a better way to make decisions than emotion or tradition. I further never said Johnson City is full of back water hicks so what would they know - I said it is not a cultural center of the type that transgender people would flock to. Is that untrue? Is there a large LGBT community there? Are there places to go, such as bars, clubs, and/or other safe havens for LGBT folks to go and gather and feel included? I know of maybe one place. Everything else they would need to really seek out on their own. Larger, more culturally diverse cities offer more. Simple fact. Further, since most of my maternal relatives live there, mother was born near there, I don't disparage the folks from there. Like I said, by choice, I chose to live in east TN for a number of years. But thanks for misunderstanding and misrepresenting my comments.
As far as your use of "Progressive" as a pejorative I will actually take that as a compliment. Yes my views and values are progressive. The root word there being progress. I do not respect discrimination, bigotry, sexism, religiophia, etc. Further, I do not believe there are differing opinions on these matters. Rarely do you hear people say, "that man is a bigot, but that's ok, he's entitled to his opinion and you have to respect that." No I don't. He can hold an inhumane opinion, but I do not have to respect it. This is not the 1800's. Progress is good.
In life we expect children to progress in life. We expect to progress in our careers - promotions and raises. We expect the companies we work for to make progress and make better products. If you are a religious person, you are expected to make progress in your faith, be a better Christian, Muslim, etc. So when it comes to government, and especially social issues, are we expected to be stagnant? Why is progress bad here. stagnation is not natural. Blame Mr. Obama all you want, but progress is needed.
Thank you for the lively discussion.