Needing prayers.

Gob and I will be sending you the following on a plaque to memorialize this moment.

I like redhead s . I like big buttws. My6 last gf was perfect and I ****ed it up. I love girls with a little attitide I drink sometimwes but dirnk a liot. I want to statrt taking kravf maga. I have been in a fewq fights. I wouldnt be bothered by killin somreone. I am smart but sucjk at college. I've had saome hot ass gfs. I have great taste in girls. I am about to black out

I will 100% go half on this. Set it up and I’ll send the money. Can put it in the nursery.
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I just heard one of your son's has Lyme also is it the oldest or younger one? Hate to hear it.
He’s doing ok now.
It’s P.nut the younger one. He missed his last two years of high school and had to finish at home.

Red was in a car wreck when she was pregnant with him and his twin. The twin didn’t make it a P was 11 weeks early. They think that Red received tainted blood as an explanation as to why her and P had the identical strain of bacteria of the many different forms that make up Lyme.

It was an unbelievably rough few years but we’re doing ok now. It really taught me who my friends were.

Thanks for your concern and prayers
He’s doing ok now.
It’s P.nut the younger one. He missed his last two years of high school and had to finish at home.

Red was in a car wreck when she was pregnant with him and his twin. The twin didn’t make it a P was 11 weeks early. They think that Red received tainted blood as an explanation as to why her and P had the identical strain of bacteria of the many different forms that make up Lyme.

It was an unbelievably rough few years but we’re doing ok now. It really taught me who my friends were.

Thanks for your concern and prayers
I didn't realize she'd been fighting it that long! Wow. And your baby boy had it since birth? Dang Slice.
I didn't realize she'd been fighting it that long! Wow. And your baby boy had it since birth? Dang Slice.
It wasn’t a real problem for P till his 10th grade year. Over night he went from being ranked in the state as a wrestler to not being able to finish the school year.

Even so....all things work together for good for those who are in union with Messiah and called according to his purpose.
Glad to hear the wife is improving 82. Hope she continues to improve and can get past all of this. Continued prayers.

So sorry to hear Slice. I didn't realize it had been such an ongoing thing as well. Prayers for you and the whole fam.
Glad to hear the wife is improving 82. Hope she continues to improve and can get past all of this. Continued prayers.

So sorry to hear Slice. I didn't realize it had been such an ongoing thing as well. Prayers for you and the whole fam.
Everything good in your world VFB? You keep a close eye on everybody else. Hope things are going good for you.
Everything good in your world VFB? You keep a close eye on everybody else. Hope things are going good for you.
They're running some tests to try and help my sleep issues, but I'm good. Lots going on at work so I don't get to enjoy VN as much anymore, but it's what happens when you're good at your job! Lol, at least that's what I tell myself.

I have been "selected" to be an Army recruiter, so ya'll can wish me luck getting a recruiting somewhere near East Tennessee if ya want! Thanks for asking
They're running some tests to try and help my sleep issues, but I'm good. Lots going on at work so I don't get to enjoy VN as much anymore, but it's what happens when you're good at your job! Lol, at least that's what I tell myself.

I have been "selected" to be an Army recruiter, so ya'll can wish me luck getting a recruiting somewhere near East Tennessee if ya want! Thanks for asking
Knock on the doors of targeted young adults at 6:00am Saturday mornings. Good chance they'll be at home. :cool:
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They're running some tests to try and help my sleep issues, but I'm good. Lots going on at work so I don't get to enjoy VN as much anymore, but it's what happens when you're good at your job! Lol, at least that's what I tell myself.

I have been "selected" to be an Army recruiter, so ya'll can wish me luck getting a recruiting somewhere near East Tennessee if ya want! Thanks for asking
Chattanooga is an awesome place! Maybe you'll get to come here!
Glad to hear the wife is improving 82. Hope she continues to improve and can get past all of this. Continued prayers.

So sorry to hear Slice. I didn't realize it had been such an ongoing thing as well. Prayers for you and the whole fam.

The liver cancer has been in remission for a long time. I think that’s what hid the Lyme. Nobody would listen to her when she was complaining about her symptoms because they just assumed it was associated with the previous illness. Red has been in a medical fight since we were in our late 20s. We both turned 50 not long ago. At one point we didn’t expect to see 50. Now the liver Drs say the damage will bring discomfort from time to time but won’t shorten her natural life expectancy.

It may not seem like it after all we’ve been through but we really are blessed and take nothing for granted.

Thanks for the prayers. They help.
They're running some tests to try and help my sleep issues, but I'm good. Lots going on at work so I don't get to enjoy VN as much anymore, but it's what happens when you're good at your job! Lol, at least that's what I tell myself.

I have been "selected" to be an Army recruiter, so ya'll can wish me luck getting a recruiting somewhere near East Tennessee if ya want! Thanks for asking

The liver cancer has been in remission for a long time. I think that’s what hid the Lyme. Nobody would listen to her when she was complaining about her symptoms because they just assumed it was associated with the previous illness. Red has been in a medical fight since we were in our late 20s. We both turned 50 not long ago. At one point we didn’t expect to see 50. Now the liver Drs say the damage will bring discomfort from time to time but won’t shorten her natural life expectancy.

It may not seem like it after all we’ve been through but we really are blessed and take nothing for granted.

Thanks for the prayers. They help.
I understand where Red is coming from. My Papaw had black lung from transporting dirty coal mining uniforms for years and they missed his lung cancer for at least a year assuming everything was related to that. At 81 years old, he wasn’t as fortunate as Red and we lost him two years later. Here's to hoping you, her and P.nut have decades and decades of time left here on earth together.
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I’m told it can lay dormant for a long time till triggered.
I couldn't count the ticks I have pulled off myself it is scary to think about . I mean even Justin Bieber has Lyme disease and I wouldn't think he has ever been in the woods. Hate to hear that about p nut he was doing good in sports. What symptoms did he have?
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