In regards to the bold, so that's what Jesus meant when he said, "Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth"?
And let me get this straight - b/c you feel Mandela hasn't properly acknowledged that the wealthy "earned" their means, you're going to completely disregard the notion that you should help out those who are starving. Because some poor people are "lazy" or have made "poor decisions," we should disregard the needs of them all?
Sounds like a pretty easy way to clear one's conscience of doing nothing.
do you really think Jesus was talking about the financially poor? If I recall, your father is/was a pastor, maybe you should ask him to help you with what that particular beatitude was saying.
There is no "you
should help the starving." That is simply a trite maxim. While I agree that help be made available, it is not a moral responsibility. We are all here to fend for ourselves, except for those with physical or mental disabilities. I'm all for helping those folks at every turn.
I've never said we shouldn't help people, I'm just saying that Mandela's view toward pure wealth redistro, and make no mistake, that was exactly what he was talking about, is absolute garbage and is not the truism he proclaims it to be.
My parents grew up in sharecropping cotton farming families, 10 brothers and sisters each, poor as dirt, generally uneducated, but nobody cried for them. They put their noses down and worked for every little thing they could have. That mentality is absolutely missing in the Mandela approach to bettering the situation for the poor. As long as someone will show up with some assistance, it'll be alright. Call it harsh, but I'm much more about the lasting value in folks figuring out how to get there on their own, much like the give a man a fish....."
My conscience has no issues with helping since I do plenty through my church, but I don't buy this kind of drivel from socialists of Mandela's ilk. Again, he's trying to make this a moral responsibility that it just isn't.