Netflix: Quarterback

It annoyed me in the first episode when he was being bullied by the Raiders player and he was constantly complaining to the ref and saying don't hit me. Do something back man.
He did. He threw a crazy TD pass 2 plays later. Then got in his face and told him he "woke up the wrong ************" about 10 times and then proceeded to dominate the rest of the game. Don't think I have ever heard or read Pat Mahomes be called soft.
your opinion is yours of course but I'd offer that we saw/heard more of her in the show than in a couple viral moments.

I knew there were some complaints but wasn't sure what they were so I expected her to be bad but she seemed normal and supportive to me and her interactions with her daughter were very loving. Just don't understand the hate.
I just finished the doc and I'm with you. I came in expecting to hate her, but I actually like her. Don't get the hate. But I also see no issue with her calling out haters and pouring champagne on people. If UT ever wins another NC you can pour whatever you want on me even if it's negative 10 degrees.

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