Never Forget - 9/11/2001

9/11 is on of my favorite examples to look at when evaluating the state of the world, and evaluating our fellow man. It's true that there are evil people out there, and we can focus on the 20 or so individuals who perpetrated this horrible event...

...or we can choose to focus on the thousands of New Yorkers who ran back to the falling towers, facing certain danger just so they could help perfect strangers and hopefully save some lives.

That's how most people are. That's one reason why I have so much love for my fellow man, and I won't let the bad seeds ruin that. Most of us are good. Never forget.
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I was sitting in the old student health center waiting for an appointment when the first plane hit. I'll never forget that day.
9/11 is on of my favorite examples to look at when evaluating the state of the world, and evaluating our fellow man. It's true that there are evil people out there, and we can focus on the 20 or so individuals who perpetrated this horrible event...

Or we can focus on the thousands of New Yorkers who ran back to the rubble, facing certain danger to help perfect strangers.

That's how most people are. That's one reason why I have so much love for my fellow man, and I won't let the bad seeds ruin that. Most of us are good. Never forget.

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Ari Fleischer is "live tweeting" his day from 13 years ago. Pretty interesting

You can follow him here @AriFleischer
9/11 is on of my favorite examples to look at when evaluating the state of the world, and evaluating our fellow man. It's true that there are evil people out there, and we can focus on the 20 or so individuals who perpetrated this horrible event...

...or we can choose to focus on the thousands of New Yorkers who ran back to the falling towers, facing certain danger just so they could help perfect strangers and hopefully save some lives.

That's how most people are. That's one reason why I have so much love for my fellow man, and I won't let the bad seeds ruin that. Most of us are good. Never forget.

Excellent post sir.
I was sitting in the old student health center waiting for an appointment when the first plane hit. I'll never forget that day.

I was working my student job at the career services center when my boss came running into the room yelling to turn on the tv because America was under attack. Crazy stuff.
9/11 is on of my favorite examples to look at when evaluating the state of the world, and evaluating our fellow man. It's true that there are evil people out there, and we can focus on the 20 or so individuals who perpetrated this horrible event...

...or we can choose to focus on the thousands of New Yorkers who ran back to the falling towers, facing certain danger just so they could help perfect strangers and hopefully save some lives.

That's how most people are. That's one reason why I have so much love for my fellow man, and I won't let the bad seeds ruin that. Most of us are good. Never forget.

"Ran into the fire."

Good post Huff
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It’s just as important to remember the malfeasance of those government officials at the time who failed miserably in their duties regarding Homeland Security (Condolleezzaa Rice, for example). Had they done their duty, the attacks would have been prevented.
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It’s just as important to remember the malfeasance of those government officials at the time who failed miserably in their duties regarding Homeland Security (Condolleezzaa Rice, for example). Had they done their duty, the attacks would have been prevented.

That is pure speculation.
When the government has intelligence on hijackers that clearly indicates what they plan to do and does nothing to stop them, that's ludicrous.
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so they get intelligence that shows supposed mulitple attacks every day. They are supposed to act on every single one. Brilliant.
I’m referring to the specific plan by Al Qaeda, the same group that tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, to fly hijacked planes into specific targets. The national security advisor was told of this planned attack by CIA director George Tenet at least two months prior to September 11 and chose to take no action. Because of her inaction in the face of clear evidence, thousands of innocent American civilians died. Subsequent to the attacks, she lied about ever being told of the plans. Yet, not one single official involved in this debacle was ever prosecuted for treason. As a veteran of military intelligence (ASA), this sort of top-level failure makes me especially angry at those who could have prevented the attacks by taking the appropriate action.
I’m referring to the specific plan by Al Qaeda, the same group that tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, to fly hijacked planes into specific targets. The national security advisor was told of this planned attack by CIA director George Tenet at least two months prior to September 11 and chose to take no action. Because of her inaction in the face of clear evidence, thousands of innocent American civilians died. Subsequent to the attacks, she lied about ever being told of the plans. Yet, not one single official involved in this debacle was ever prosecuted for treason. As a veteran of military intelligence (ASA), this sort of top-level failure makes me especially angry at those who could have prevented the attacks by taking the appropriate action.

What about the president who had left office only eight months prior? He had an opportunity to obtain bin Laden in 1996, and mere hours before the attacks on 9/11, he was bragging to a group in Australia that he could have killed bin Laden. Many people across different presidential administrations could have, in hindsight, done things differently, but to lay blame for the lost lives of the victims that day anywhere but at the feet of the evil, radical muslim extremists who perpetrated these acts simply misses the mark. The root cause was not the inaction of Clinton, Rice, or any other American. The root cause was the hatred by a group of muslims who despise, and wish to eradicate, all who do not think and believe as they do.
I was sitting in the old student health center waiting for an appointment when the first plane hit. I'll never forget that day.

I was at my first "real" job out of college, and I was chatting with a friend/fellow IT nerd on AOL Instant Messenger about something. Another message popped up from a guy I worked with saying something was up and told me to go to a news website. When I tried, all of them were down. Then I got another message from a 3rd person saying "Something is going down in NY".

About that time someone in the office ran into a conference room and pulled in a TV and virtually everyone in the office was in there watching the coverage.

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