Neverending MBRO memory thread

Trying to decide between working or fishing tomorrow, weather will decide that🤣
Feels so weird picking up little bit, triple k🤣, from high school. She's got an orthodontist appointment.
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Stop with the triple K. It’s darker connotations make it unsuitable for your family. Besides, “Little Bit” is perfect.
Didn't make it to church, blaming Tiffany 👀🤣. She had to do a 3 hour fluid bag because the nurse is coming tomorrow.
I've got everything ready. I'm going to get up in the morning, and if it's not raining, God willing we going fishing. I want to take Tiffany again before surgery. Gotta be back by lunch because the nurse will be here.
I would rather pay a little more at the Dollar General just to stay out of the dam Wal Mart. I think that's their plan. hahaha
The new Dollar General stores here are pretty nice, actually.
I would rather pay a little more at the Dollar General just to stay out of the dam Wal Mart. I think that's their plan. hahaha
The new Dollar General stores here are pretty nice, actually.
If they carried everything we get I would! Ours isn't too bad in the early hours. You don't want to go after around 4, biggest redneck place I've seen. I told one of my Mexican buddies that it's ruined his people, because even the Mexicans are wearing pajamas in there🤣
If they carried everything we get I would! Ours isn't too bad in the early hours. You don't want to go after around 4, biggest redneck place I've seen. I told one of my Mexican buddies that it's ruined his people, because even the Mexicans are wearing pajamas in there🤣
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