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looks like somebody standin on a box watchin you
somebody short
@joevol33 or Gollum
Not me. I'm fixing to leave work, got bad nausea all of a sudden. Surprise hug, or something I ate I guess. Bad enough I'm going home to take zofran. I can handle almost anything, but sick stomach is my kyrptonite
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Not me. I'm fixing to leave work, got bad nausea all of a sudden. Surprise hug, or something I ate I guess. Bad enough I'm going home to take zofran. I can handle almost anything, but sick stomach is my kyrptonite
hmmm maybe thats why the cowboy ribeye was on sale for 8 bucks at Walmart
Go to bed, Joe. Or...err...go to work. Man, your schedule has me hella confused lately.
My body should be at work, but it's going to try to sleep soon. Probably going to take a couple of hours, and maybe a Benadryl to knock me out.

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