New ABC graphic SEConABC - Not a fan

Absolutely sucks.

I think they give more time to the Gators even than Texas. For sure those are the top two. Meanwhile, the Vols had maybe a TOTAL of 1 second air time.

And the music is dull. Just the same riff, over and over. The song doesn't develop, doesn't go anywhere. CBS' song was hella good, this is awful.

Looks like they let the summer intern put it together. The summer intern from Florida.

Go Vols!
The smoke coming out of the helmets was a nice graphic. Otherwise I'm with you. Not a fan so far. I noticed that almost all the highlights were from the Florida-Georgia game, so maybe it's a preview of what they will do for individual teams.
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I muted the sound on SEC on CBS and listened to VolNetwork for years, that's not likely to change.

Similar thread in Around the NCAA
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Iā€™m taking it as this is a preview of each individual gameā€™s graphics in-game, going to commercial break, replays, etc. Thatā€™s what it looked like to me. I donā€™t think that will be the song intro, at least thatā€™s what I am hoping.
I posted this in the NCAA forum yesterday, but the concept is all wrong for college football. College football, in this humble Vol's opinion, should be about pageantry, the youthful vibrance, and the atmosphere of the sport. It should be bright and cheerful, positive and energetic. A little bit gritty, even slightly haphazard. Any given Saturday and so on. Just like college football. Definitely based on white rather than black. Light rather than dark.

This ABC thing is wrong for that. It's generic. It's definitely based in black / dark spaces, shiny, clean, and has that obsession people in sport media have with dark environments lit by light sources they can re-color for whichever team is on screen. Slick moody pro stuff. Particle effects and busy motions to animate, polished and super reflective, to make it look all expensive and cool. But it also looks generic, super generic, and it's too dark in places to even see what's happening clearly. It's what you'd expect from a package for a professional sports league. And yes, I know "the SEC "is a professional sports league" jokes, but it's so disconnected from the idea of college and the setting that I just don't get it.

And yes, because we're all thinking it - that music flat out sucks and had better be temp music. Generic ripoff of some rock song with no drumline percussion, no pep. Blah.
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TBS SEC was better as was Jefferson Pilot Sports. The two Dave's Neal & Rowe were the best.

Word. The JP Game of the Week was my spirit animal. I get a little misty-eyed thinking about November in the 1990s, which was "JP Game of the Week" month for us Vols - thanks to Tennessee's curious habit of scheduling UK and Vandy at the end of every season.

JP was the perfect amount of seriousness for those sorts of games. You could see what happened on the field, and the Daves knew enough to call the plays, (and were pretty entertaining), and if the scoreboard wasn't quite right, oh well, the game will be over by 2 PM anyway.
Absolutely sucks.

I think they give more time to the Gators even than Texas. For sure those are the top two. Meanwhile, the Vols had maybe a TOTAL of 1 second air time.

And the music is dull. Just the same riff, over and over. The song doesn't develop, doesn't go anywhere. CBS' song was hella good, this is awful.

Looks like they let the summer intern put it together. The summer intern from Florida.

Go Vols!

Yay, weā€™re televised by Disney! Now we can promote Disneyā€™s state, along with the most liberal city in the conference.
They sure luv Texas!!
Same thinking. Texas gets too much screen time. It's the SEC, not TEXC.
Yay, weā€™re televised by Disney! Now we can promote Disneyā€™s state, along with the most liberal city in the conference.
SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we all just play football???
The political forum is that way.
Two thoughts on the obvious "idiosyncrasies" of this ABC promo clip:

1) Maybe the teams it's emphasizing are those teams whose games ABC will be presenting this season. Makes sense to target the followers of those teams, to alert them that one or more of their games are going to be shown on a different network from where they're used to finding them.

2) TV execs know the hardcore fans will watch. Their concern is reaching new fans and broadening the demographic base. The younger age groups (who grew up on interactive video games rather than spectator sports) have not been reliable viewers. They're also the demographic more likely to spend money impulsively, so figure that the style of music and graphics will be targeted on engaging new fans, not us old reliables.

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