The ground they crossed was once a meadow. Green with grass and gayly colored with the flowers that mingled there. Now it was torn soil, littered with the bodies of the fallen and the smoldering husks of the instruments of war. A war they seemed to be losing, battle after battle.
Then a soldier spotted a bright color directly in their trudging path. A flower that had boldly sprouted, grown, and opened its petals to greet spring as flowers are known to do. A brave statement of life in what was now a field of death. The soldier straddled the fragile thing to protect it from plodding feet that followed him. Directing his band of brothers around the daring little flower. I dont recall if it was a daffodil or a lily, though.
His commanding officer saw him standing still and came over to investigate. And saw the flower the soldier was protecting. The CO shoved him aside and said, These are bad times. We have neither time nor interest in beauty right now. Then he promptly crushed the flower beneath his booted feet. The soldier turned and walked away. A single tear dropped from his left eye and rolled slowly down his cheek. He thought, Even in a bad world, it is so wrong to kill something good. What have we become?