It's really easy to cling to "honor" when you aren't winning.
Actually, I would propose it's harder to cling to it when you're not. I guess that's the difference between the way I see it and the way you see it.
I care about who I am no matter what.
You care about being a winner.
Good luck with that.
If you say so.
Did you ever play at Tennessee, or coach? What is it about Tennessee football that is in an integral part of "who you are"?
You leave my mother out of this.
Hahah, I mean, eh? Wha? You can't say, hmm... *Sigh*.
You are a decent guy bamawriter, I respect you for coming on this forum with dedication. I hate Bama till the end of the world, but I have little against their fans, especially those who live nearby and so on. Have a good season man - I can't wait to talk trash with you before you destroy us in October.... :good!: