New Basketball Coach?



Senior Member
Feb 8, 2005
does anybody know if buzz is officially coming back next year and if not, who are some notable candidates


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I just want to know so I can start a thread saying "why the hell didn't we fire him".
If I was a betting man I would say he comes back. I don't agree, I think it is a waste. If he was going to get the job done we would have seen it happen by now. People hate to admit that BP was a mistake, I even do myself, but that is exactly what he is.

And please if anyone suggests Bobby Knight I am going to go insane. Knight is a moron. I would never let my kid play for that idiot. He is abusive to his players and his behavior is unacceptable. Indiana did the right thing by running him out on a rail.
Outside of the BK idea, I've yet to see anyone post some names to consider. I'm no guru, and would like to know who is out there that is doing well and should be considered for the job. Also, it's not like the sky is the limit on what UT might be willing to pay so, is a quality choice on which to rebuild a program(again) available in our price range?Thoughts anyone?
Baggage aside, Bobby wins where ever he goes and who would want some sissy kid recruit playing for TN anyway!?
I read where Buzz promised major changes with his assistant coaches and the high probability of bringing in a former Div 1 head coach to his staff. I think that will probably buy him one more year and give Hamilton an "out" to not have to fire him. That also saves UT from paying 3 head basketball coaches next year.

One comment that Buzz made did kind of bother me. He mentioned that he would be more involved in recruiting. Yeah Buzz, you might want to get a little more involved with that process.

As far as a replacement, I would vote for the head coach at UAB. I can't remember his name, but he seems to be the next up and coming coach. Unless, of course, there is potential baggage from his days assisting Nolan Richardson at Arkansas.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Mar 1, 2005 11:44 AM
Baggage aside, Bobby wins where ever he goes and who would want some sissy kid recruit playing for TN anyway!?

Bobby Knight is a winner, he is one of my favorite coaches for any sport. Plus, UT would get a lot of publicity if we fire Buzz and hire him.
Bobby Knight is a winner ? Heck at the end of his tenure Indiana was getting knocked out of the NCAA tourney in the first round. And what has Texas Tech done, not much of anything. No, Bobby Knight is not a winner. He may have been in the past but those days are long gone. Indy did not fire him for no reason, and I really do not want to see UT taking rejects from the big ten.
Texas Tech says this about Bobby:"Everyone knew Bob Knight would get the Red Raider program back to its winning ways. Many didn't think it could be done so successfully or so quickly. In his initial season, Texas Tech went from 11th in the Big 12 Conference to a tie for third and posted a +14 victory margin (9-19 in 2000-2001 to 23-9 in 2001-2002). Texas Tech's 23 wins in that initial season represented Coach Knight's 25th season of winning 20 or more games and were Tech's most single-season victories since the 1995-1996 season. The Red Raiders also earned an NCAA Tournament berth for the 11th time in the school's 77 years of fielding basketball teams and marked the 25th time Coach Knight has taken his teams to the NCAA Tournament."

Westside, TN has been to the NCAA's 5 times, Bobby has been there 25 times, you do the math!
well if the idea of winning is just getting in the tourney then I guess BK is pretty good at that. And you have some nice numbers in your post to back up your assertions that BK is a good coach. But how far has TT gone in the tourney ? I have seen them play and I don't think they are on the next level. And worst of all I see BK with his mad-at-the -world scowl. Boy I am sure he is a real joy to play for. I wonder if TT is recruiting a top 20 class with BK ? Who would want to play for that guy ? Yes, he can coach but he also is a complete idiot who throws chairs on the floor and head buts his players. Sorry dude, but I think BK is a cancer that needs to be gone from college BB completely.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 1, 2005 2:09 PM
Sorry dude, but I think BK is a cancer that needs to be gone from college BB completely.

Yeah right! All of the Texas Tech fans seem to think so. Also let me remind you, Indiana's fans didn't want BK to leave. Just the administration.
west i have no problem saying your being ignorant on the subject....."if your idea of good is getting to the tournament" almost NO coach outside of coack K is active and won more than 2 championships....theres only 1 coach K.....bobby is a top 5 coach all time PERIOD stats back that do what he done with texas tech......AND see how indiana has slacked off since he left shows his influence in coaching
BK ain't happenin'. Anyone that thinks for a minute that an AD (outside Texas Tech) would hire a personality stronger than his own is dreaming. While BK's numbers look pretty good, he carries way too much baggage for UT (and most anyone else).

IF CBP is released, we should be looking at the likes of Mike Anderson (UAB). But, Jamont Gordon says if he comes to UT, it will be to play for Peterson, therefore the Buzz will probably stay.
BK is probably the only coach who could fill TB Arena. People would come because they love him, hate him, to taunt him, or just to see him throw a chair. A strong personality is what UT needs IMO. A good contract could alleviate alot of fears and can equalize personalities.
well we all seem to have different opinions on BK. I guess I can buy into some of what you guys are saying but Indiana was not setting the World on fire when he left and if I recall they did really well the year after he left. So I am not convinced they just "fell apart" without BK. I would be crazy to say that there was not a time when BK was one of the best coaches ever. But time has passed him by to some degree and I do not think the kids of today want to play for someone like him. BK is a walking lawsuit. Also, it is just a matter of time before his out-of-control antics get him in trouble again. And as I said before, Indiana was not doing that well toward the end of BK's career. I do not think he would be any better than what we currently have as half our team would probably quit when he came with his BS antics.
I agree with all you BK doubters. All BK did at Indiana was have a winning record of 660 - 224, which is not that impressive. In the postseason, it got worse as he was only able to manage a record of 53 - 23. Not to mention, he only won 3 National Championships while he was there.

Why would we want him at Tennessee? I mean he did lose his temper 3 or 4 times out of 884 games. Yep, that is a lawsuit waiting to happen. ;)
He was a great coach for many years, but ultimately I think his act wore thin on his superiors. I respect the guy . . . but I don't think he'd be the the savior in Knoxville.
well he was the savior for T.T. and Indiana. why not us?
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 1, 2005 1:11 PM
Bobby Knight is a winner ? Heck at the end of his tenure Indiana was getting knocked out of the NCAA tourney in the first round. And what has Texas Tech done, not much of anything. No, Bobby Knight is not a winner. He may have been in the past but those days are long gone. Indy did not fire him for no reason, and I really do not want to see UT taking rejects from the big ten.

Knight owns a remarkable 68-32 record (.680) in post-season tournament play.

No other coach can cite NCAA and NIT championships and Olympic and Pan American gold medals among his achievements. There are only two coaches in the history of collegiate basketball who have won more than the three national championships Knight has won during his career. His coaching achievements were honored in May of 1991 when he was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Only Coach Knight and former North Carolina head coach Dean Smith have both coached and played on NCAA championship teams - Knight at Ohio State in 1960; Smith at Kansas in 1952.

It is in tournament play where the Knight genius shines. In 24 NCAA appearances, Hoosier teams under Bob Knight won 42 of 63 games (.667), winning titles in 1976, 1981, and 1987, while finishing third in 1973 and 1992. The Hoosiers won the first Collegiate Commissioner's Association championship in 1974. In 1979, the Hoosiers won the National Invitation Tournament championship in New York's famed Madison Square Garden and nearly added a second NIT title in 1985 before falling to UCLA in the championship game. They were one pass shy of going to the NIT Finals at the end of the 2002-2003 season.

2000 Indiana record: 20-9, 10-6 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 6 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 11 Pepperdine 77-57 in first round of NCAA Tournament, the worst first-round loss in Knight's tenure at Indiana.

1999 Indiana record: 23-11, 9-7 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 6 seed in South Region. Lost to No. 3 St. John's 86-61 in second round of NCAA Tournament (worst tourney loss ever)

1998 Indiana record: 20-12, 9-7 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 7 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 2 Connecticut 78-68 in second round of NCAA Tournament.

1997 Indiana record: 22-11, 9-9 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 8 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 9 Colorado 80-62 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1996 Indiana record: 19-12, 12-6 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 6 seed in Southeast Region. Lost to No. 11 Boston College 64-51 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1995 Indiana record: 19-12, 11-7 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 9 seed in West Region. Lost to No. 8 Missouri 65-60 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1994 Indiana record: 21-9, 12-6
Postseason: No. 5 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 9 Boston College 77-68 in Sweet 16.

1993 Indiana record: 31-4, 17-1 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: No. 1 seed in Midwest. Lost to No. 2 Kansas 83-77 in regional final.

1992 Indiana record: 27-7, 14-4 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 2 seed in West Region. Lost to Duke 81-78 in national semifinals.

1991 Indiana record: 29-5, 15-3 Big Ten (conference co-champions)
Postseason: No. 2 seed in Southeast. Lost to No. 3 Kansas 83-65 in Sweet 16.

1990 Indiana record: 18-11, 8-10 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 8 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 9 California 65-63 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1989 Indiana record: 27-8, 15-3 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: No. 2 seed in West Region. Lost to No. 3 Seton Hall 78-65 in Sweet 16.

1988 Indiana record: 19-10, 11-7 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 4 seed in East Region. Lost to No. 13 Richmond 72-69 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1987 Indiana record: 30-4, 15-3 Big Ten (conference co-champions)
Postseason: No. 1 seed in Midwest Region. Defeated Syracuse 74-73 to win national title, the third of Knight's coaching career.

1986 Indiana record: 21-8, 13-5 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 3 seed in East. Lost to No. 14 Cleveland State 83-79 in first round of NCAA Tournament.

1985 Indiana record: 19-14, 7-11 Big Ten
Postseason: Lost to UCLA 65-62 in NIT final four.

1984 Indiana record: 22-9, 13-5 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 4 seed in East Region (received first-round bye). Lost to No. 7 Virginia 50-48 regional final.

1983 Indiana record: 24-6, 13-5 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: No. 2 seed in Mideast Region (received first-round bye). Lost to No. 3 Kentucky 64-59 in Sweet 16 of NCAA Tournament.

1982 Indiana record: 19-10, 12-6 Big Ten
Postseason: No. 5 seed in Mideast Region. Lost to No. 4 UAB 80-70 in second round of NCAA Tournament.

1981 Indiana record: 26-9, 14-4 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: No. 3 seed in Mideast Region (received first-round bye). Defeated North Carolina 63-50 for NCAA title (Knight's second national title)

1980 Indiana record: 21-8, 13-5 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: No. 2 seed in Mideast Region. Lost to No. 6 Purdue 76-69 in Sweet 16 of NCAA Tournament.

1979 Indiana record: 22-12, 10-8 Big Ten
Postseason: Defeated Purdue 53-52 for NIT title

1978 Indiana record: 21-8, 12-6 Big Ten
Postseason: Lost to Villanova 61-60 in Sweet 16 of NCAA Tournament (teams not seeded).

1977 Indiana record: 16-11, 11-7
Postseason: None

1976 Indiana record: 32-0, 18-0 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: Defeated Michigan 86-68 for NCAA title (Knight's first)

1975 Indiana record: 31-1, 18-0 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: Lost to Kentucky 92-90 in regional final of NCAA Tournament

1974 Indiana record: 23-5, 12-2 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: Defeated USC 85-60 in first Collegiate Commissioner's Association championship

1973 Indiana record: 22-6, 11-3 Big Ten (conference champions)
Postseason: Lost to UCLA 70-59 in Final Four. Defeated Providence 97-79 in consolation game

1972 Indiana record: 17-8, 9-5
Postseason: Lost to Princeton 68-60 in NIT

and i believe the post above me should shut up all the bobby knight naysayers.....ya can talk all ya want until the facts come out :D
Originally posted by Jefw@Mar 1, 2005 10:55 AM
As far as a replacement, I would vote for the head coach at UAB. I can't remember his name, but he seems to be the next up and coming coach. Unless, of course, there is potential baggage from his days assisting Nolan Richardson at Arkansas.

Mike Anderson is not leaving UAB!! He is from Bham and all of his family is there! He also just got a brand new contract just built a brand new house! We need to look at Steve Lavin or Johnny Dawkins!!!!

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