New Basketball Coach?

I don't understand why this is hard. If you want to win, Hire someone who wins, not someone who could win or might win, or who looks good if they could just win. Hire Bobby Knight and we win..Period. He doesn't lose..anywhere! Style points and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks! If you invested your money on any principal less, you are foolish..why be foolish, why gamble?
Bobby Knight can whip all of those coaches! In basketball too!..seriously, history will show that Bobby Knight was the most effective basketball coach in history and it would be a shame to not jump at the chance to have him best the world of NCAA Basketball with his last stop-TN. After that, the best coaches in the country will want to play for TN!! For all of you naysayers, Bobby says:"*@!%^*&#!!!!!

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