New Book unkind to Fulmer?

i have a buddy who just got done reading it. he said it is a must read for any football fan.
I read a page excerpt about his game vs. Munford. The 225lb DE kept calling him fat, so Oher plows him off the field, through the bench, and into the chain link fence next to Munford's bus.

He said, "It was time for him to go home".


Just bought it on Amazon. Can't wait to read it.
Love Michael Lewis because of Moneyball. Didn't know he wrote something like this. Will pick it up today with my Unwed Sailor album at the record store.
I saw the book in the bookstore a couple of weeks ago... I didn't know it had anything to do with Fulmer.
UT recruited him hard, but he ended up being Coach O's first big recruit at Ole Miss.
I go to the school that Oher attended, Briarcrest, and about 75% of the school love Ole Miss, 20% love Memphis, and the other 5% are Tennessee.
When people say that we lost Oher to Ole Miss, its not really true. He may have said we were his leader, but he was Ole Miss all the way. He had to stay close to home and focus on his schoolwork with his adopted family and Ole Miss provided that with Sean Touhy being his guardian.
Huyeah, huyeah, huyeah... Recruiting.

Coach O doesn't recruit...
He huffs, puffs, and blows other coaches away, so its just him and the player left.:p

Either that, or the "wall of recruiting around Memphis" he built is made of gold bricks he crapped out himself.
So it is still unlear how this related to Fulmer other than that he recruited the kid.
Having now made it through 173 pages, roughly half the book, I will make two observations. One, keep this book away from Fulmerites. It will cause them to go into '97 Heisman style rage. The portrayal of TCHFCATUTK in this book makes my characterizations of him look like flattery. Two, it is a brilliant book. The chapter that deals predominately with Saban, TCHFCATUTK, and Coach O is priceless. It confirmed my belief that the SEC is very fortunate that Saban didn't hang around and dominate this league for about 5 years.
Having now made it through 173 pages, roughly half the book, I will make two observations. One, keep this book away from Fulmerites. It will cause them to go into '97 Heisman style rage. The portrayal of TCHFCATUTK in this book makes my characterizations of him look like flattery. Two, it is a brilliant book. The chapter that deals predominately with Saban, TCHFCATUTK, and Coach O is priceless. It confirmed my belief that the SEC is very fortunate that Saban didn't hang around and dominate this league for about 5 years.

Does it just portray him as an oaf, or as a cheater?
Does it just portray him as an oaf, or as a cheater?
Actually, in the chapter I just finished, a little of both. It quotes him as offering perks to the Tuohy family that I'm pretty certain could be construed to violate NCAA rules. Then it compares him to a character on Mayberry, RFD and states that at least one of the people involved with Michael Oher consdered TCHFCATUK a "hick." The guy who comes out looking good is Saban. He's portrayed as the best, most charming recruiter in the history of the world.
I guess you haters of all things CPF are tickled that 1 guy writes bad about CPF in a book. Have fun with it.
Oh yeah, somebody from Ole Miss calling my family hicks. I'm from Winchester, they're country folk but not hicks. :aggressive:
Being called a hick by someone from Memphis is like a southerner being called a yankee by someone from Brazil. The city slicker doesn't have the frame of reference to differentiate between country, hick, redneck, etc. just like the foreigner cannot readily differentiate between U.S. citizens from different regions.
I'm glad someone posted this; I just read an article on Oher in last months Readers Digest. When he started to school at Briarcrest he wore the same clothes to school every day. This prompted the principals wife who is now his adopted mother to go up to him at lunch and ask if he was hungry. At 344 lbs. I doubt he had missed very many meals.

My wife teaches at a private Christian school. Therefore my question is how does a kid with no history of sports, a mother who is an alcoholic, no dad, and lives in the meanest area of Memphis get into a private school. According to the story when he went to live with the principal and his wife they had to go to about eight different houses to find all of his clothes, because he stayed at so many different homes. He had been sleeping on an air mattress, and at 344 lbs. it would lose all of it's air by midnight every night.

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