"Great pickup for Tennessee. Smith is a monster of a kid that will only get bigger in college. I think his best option will be OL in college which UT needs. I saw Hialeah play 3 times this fall and Smith outplayed highly rated teammate Corey Lemonier 2 of those games. Keep in mind this was while Smith went both ways (and rarely showed signs of fatigue) and Lemonier was strickly used on defense.
Illinois was the school I thought was the earlier leader, but after their rough season I wondered if they would still be able to nab the Hialeah duo. A couple weeks ago it came out former Hialeah star Corey Luiget was unhappy at UI, taking another shot at the Illini's chances for the Hialeah duo."
When asked if Lemonier would follow Smith to UT, Luke said:
"I think he does."