New Orleans Attack

It was reported earlier today the FBI reviewed video of people places bombs and now that story has changed. The story will probably keep on changing. FBI doing a coverup or FBI not very good at investigations

from earlier what was the video of if not people placing bombs

As of 15 minutes ago, they were saying there was footage of another man and a woman placing bombs along Bourbon St.. but who knows, that story could change at any moment… my husband and I were just talking about it at the Barrel 😂 and he thinks sleeper cells being activated or they are just trying things out to see how to do future attacks.. not a comforting thought
The guy who did was born in the U.S. Served in the military. His having gone back and forth over the border may, or may not, have anything to do with this. But illegql immigration is not the issue here.
So you take solace in that he was an American. Who traveled back and forth to an entry known for illegal crossings and converted to terrorism ultimately killing Americans. Glad you feel vindicated.
The guy who did was born in the U.S. Served in the military. His having gone back and forth over the border may, or may not, have anything to do with this. But illegql immigration is not the issue here.
I understand that. My post you replied to was my reply to Shawn Ryan’s page. He’s correct our border problem will have negative consequences. Maybe not in this instance, but we don’t know everything yet. Could be way more people involved that aren’t supposed to be here that the suspect conspired with. Have to wait.
As of 15 minutes ago, they were saying there was footage of another man and a woman placing bombs along Bourbon St.. but who knows, that story could change at any moment… my husband and I were just talking about it at the Barrel 😂 and he thinks sleeper cells being activated or they are just trying things out to see how to do future attacks.. not a comforting thought
We will likely see an increase of probing soft perimeters/targets until they do something really big. I’ve said for a long time, if you really want to screw with us, pull a 9/11 on our energy facilities from Galveston to Houston to Port Arthur. 9/11 was big and horrific. The energy facilities would be debilitating.
At this point there is very little, if any difference between ISIS, al qaeda, the Iranian government and a handful of other organizations. They are all proxies whose focus is bringing about their backwards ass way of life to the non-believers. One group might claim that it was their attack , but they’ve evolved to the point where they all have a hand in it one way or another.

This. This is what all the CIA/FBI folks who come on Shawn Ryans show say. There are dozens of groups now, but they are all related. Bin Laden's son is one of the greatest threats now as a leader over there. They sponsor terror cells all over Europe AND here as well as the M.E. and Africa. Those agents/analysts that come on his show are scared...not for themselves.. for Americans. They all say that attacks are imminent and that the last 4 years have set us up for nightmares in the years to come. The only GOOD thing we accomplished with the War On Terror was keeping the fight over THERE in the sandbox. Not HERE. The last 4 years of open borders NORTH and SOUTH have ruined that. Now the war will be fought here too...and we will lose. Its too easy for these garbage humans to attack soft targets here. Especially when suicidal. Women and children mostly will likely pay the price for the last 4 years. Thats exactly who pays the price when they strap bombs on little girls and send them into crowded markets back home in the sandbox.

It’s not prejudice. I’m stating we would be fools to think there weren’t bad actors coming through that border from who knows where. I didn’t assign any characteristic to them, race, religion or otherwise. But if you have a hard time connecting the dots as to what can happen when a border is not protected, that’s you being naive. A you problem, not a me problem…as they say.

Exactly. This will not be an isolated event. This guy didnt wake up this morning and decide to betray his country either. How many other muslims in his muslim trailer park right around the corner from the mosque are radicals? How many are illegals? How many who attend the mosque are radicals? Illegals?

We have a real problem on our hands. One that was easily preventable. There havent been serious muslim terrorist attacks since 9.11.01....but we have a real problem now according to experts. You cant leave the borders wide open to the North and South like they are RIGHT NOW as we speak.
This. This is what all the CIA/FBI folks who come on Shawn Ryans show say. There are dozens of groups now, but they are all related. Bin Laden's son is one of the greatest threats now as a leader over there. They sponsor terror cells all over Europe AND here as well as the M.E. and Africa. Those agents/analysts that come on his show are scared...not for themselves.. for Americans. They all say that attacks are imminent and that the last 4 years have set us up for nightmares in the years to come. The only GOOD thing we accomplished with the War On Terror was keeping the fight over THERE in the sandbox. Not HERE. The last 4 years of open borders NORTH and SOUTH have ruined that. Now the war will be fought here too...and we will lose. Its too easy for these garbage humans to attack soft targets here. Especially when suicidal. Women and children mostly will likely pay the price for the last 4 years. Thats exactly who pays the price when they strap bombs on little girls and send them into crowded markets back home in the sandbox.

Exactly. This will not be an isolated event. This guy didnt wake up this morning and decide to betray his country either. How many other muslims in his muslim trailer park right around the corner from the mosque are radicals? How many are illegals? How many who attend the mosque are radicals? Illegals?

We have a real problem on our hands. One that was easily preventable. There havent been serious muslim terrorist attacks since 9.11.01....but we have a real problem now according to experts. You cant leave the borders wide open to the North and South like they are RIGHT NOW as we speak.
We’ve been warned

When it emerged that the truck had been traced as going over the vorder two weeks ago there was a cacophony from MAGA that it was an illiegal immigramt who did it. That turned out to be far from correct.

So now we are trotting out as a back up that it's Muslims.

Y’all need to pick a prejudice and stick with it. The moving target approach is very confusing to the rest of us.
You keep beating that drum. You make assumption based on partial information as well. There are illegal immigrants in our country that are determined to cause pain and suffering upon U.S. Citizens. There is no right or wrong at this point. This must be stopped. It was created by the current lack of leadership. They have funneled money to the enemy that is funding the ones attacking us.
Your hatred for Trump has you so so blind that all you can do is pound your drum that Trump and folks on this platform jumped to the wrong conclusion.
I for one am pissed at every last organization, agency, individual, and foreign entity that has allowed this to happen. The people that have lost their lives and those that will loss them in the future deserve better than your ***%ing rhetoric.
So you were right, mistakes were made. Quit beating your drum. You are so blinded by your hate for Trump that you show zero concern for any of this. Your lack of concern is disturbing.
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Open Borders arent partisan.

Thats common sense.

Every nation of any consequence in history has clearly defined borders and controlled the immigration/ stopped invasions into their country. If Trump and the stupid Republicans changed their stance tomorrow about open borders, half this country would be livid and NOT support them anymore. More than half of this country, since a significant % of Democrats do NOT support open borders either. Call it partisan if you want. Thats bullcrap though. Anybody who watches Shawn Ryan or others can post a half dozen interviews right now with respected members of the intel community BEGGING people to listen to them for the last 4 years. They didnt. Nobody with the power to do anything about it anyway...but those videos have millions and millions of views. Ryans podcast is 2nd only to Rogan in popularity. People are PISSED. They should be. This was intentional. The border is STILL WIDE OPEN right now as we speak. Bidens admin just tried to sell off all of the steel and materials to slow down finishing the border wall. This week. They are STILL destroying this country as much as possible to the very last day on Jan 20th.

We will not forget this. Every single attack. We screamed the whole time to close the borders and stop the madness and nobody on the Left would listen. We will not forget. This was no accident.
I'm familiar, I just found the " chase you like you stole Christmas" one of his funnies he loves to toss around in bad taste.....not the setting for funnies.
This not an uncommon manner of speech in the rural South, particularly for older Southerners. Heard similies like this used all my life and a few times with serious and even deadly earnestness. From accounts I was told, when my grandfather said "I'll beat you 'til you piss like a yellow cat" to another man, it was not a comedy routine.

Now that you have pointed it out, it makes me wonder if this style of speech is disappearing.
This. This is what all the CIA/FBI folks who come on Shawn Ryans show say. There are dozens of groups now, but they are all related. Bin Laden's son is one of the greatest threats now as a leader over there. They sponsor terror cells all over Europe AND here as well as the M.E. and Africa. Those agents/analysts that come on his show are scared...not for themselves.. for Americans. They all say that attacks are imminent and that the last 4 years have set us up for nightmares in the years to come. The only GOOD thing we accomplished with the War On Terror was keeping the fight over THERE in the sandbox. Not HERE. The last 4 years of open borders NORTH and SOUTH have ruined that. Now the war will be fought here too...and we will lose. Its too easy for these garbage humans to attack soft targets here. Especially when suicidal. Women and children mostly will likely pay the price for the last 4 years. Thats exactly who pays the price when they strap bombs on little girls and send them into crowded markets back home in the sandbox.

Exactly. This will not be an isolated event. This guy didnt wake up this morning and decide to betray his country either. How many other muslims in his muslim trailer park right around the corner from the mosque are radicals? How many are illegals? How many who attend the mosque are radicals? Illegals?

We have a real problem on our hands. One that was easily preventable. There havent been serious muslim terrorist attacks since 9.11.01....but we have a real problem now according to experts. You cant leave the borders wide open to the North and South like they are RIGHT NOW as we speak.
This is very potentially a huge problem. If what some of the analysts are saying is accurate then there will be a significant loss of life on American soil . The only thing that gives me pause, is why would the Taliban harbor them?. Again… Especially when they have such a great thing going. They’re actually allowed to sit at the grown up table on the world stage . They can terrorize and do whatever they want in that shithole country they’ve run back into the stone age , while they’ve simultaneously been getting $40 million a week from the Biden administration (this is true peope, look it up ). We smoked them in a matter of weeks in 2001, why get back to that ?

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