Never at any point in time have i stated this man was an illegal immigrant. If you actually read my posts, you likely grasp that. I have specifically noted in fact that he was not. Its irrelevance is something i know you will never understand though. Trump has so fried the brains of you, loother, woodsman, EL etc that you folks are completely unhinged and detached from reality. Its an obsession that clouds your judgment about everything that you perceive. Truly something to behold.
I am shocked that you would insult me by saying my head is up my butt over a straw man. Shocked. Cannot believe it.
Naw, ole Donnie hasn't fried my brain. There's a lot I actually like about the guy. I just detest his constant lies, elitism, money-mongering, Putin patootie kissing, overt bigotry, racism, not paying his bills to his workers and cities where he holds his rallies, and more. Not to mention his disgusting views on people with disabilities. If he had a shred of dignity, I'd shout long and hard for electing him to a 3rd, 4th, and 5th term as Prez.
My real problem is you MAGAs, In your heart of hearts, MAGA is less about Making America Great Again, than it is about MAWJCA - Making America White and Jim Crow Again. As for the guy who rammed a TESLA (Musk Express) truck into the N.O. crowd, it's disheartening. Guy served in our military, seems those who knew him to be a good guy. They say the ISIS radicalized him. I say MAGAs radicalized him. When I sneak into dark web and other supposedly Whites only websites, I see what you people really think, and say about others. Talks about putting Hispanics and other brown folks in concentration camps. Doing what is done with wild boars. That is hunting them, cage trapping and shooting them, and worst things. Nevermind that males of the Black and Hispanic communities massively voted for Trump. That doesn't matter to you folks. I'm not surprised this guy was radicalized. I expect to see more of his kind make appearances. The ISIS has fertile ground supplied by your bigotry to recruit within the country for people who will do such stuff and more. They will eventually figure out how to arm disenfranchised members of our society. A sad, ugly, and unnecessary reality headed our way as Trump and his unqualified thugs implement their policies. Trumpie is right about a good number of things. But mingling it with Nazism is going to cost America big time. Including losing our allies who will fall away from us as the negative impacts hit harder and harder. Nope, Trumpon hasn't fried my brain, he will fry America as he has fried nearly all his own business ventures. You MAGAs on the other hand, I'd feel sorry for you, except I got my popcorn and am dead set on enjoying the mess you have brought forth. Laughing with glee as it unfolds.