New Unis

Because they sell. And kids like them. But we can't do that at Tennessee. Got to stay the same all the time or the blue hairs will have a fit. :eek:lol::no:

No duh. That's the only reason alternate jerseys are used. However, he asked why traditional teams didn't do it much and I countered that Duke does it. UT's AD said there were no plans to put these up for sale.
#29 said they weren't going to wear them again and there were no plans to sell them. If there's enough demand, they will I bet.

I guess they had to use a different color orange for the numerals and name. I couldn't make out any of the names. The announcers probably had a time trying to figure out players. It would be funny to see if the announcers could figure them out if they did it in football.

I got a couple pairs of the socks they wore -
ugly and weird looking,couldn't read there names at all

I agree about the names. If you didn't know who they were, that would have been frustrating. Since I did, it didn't bother me. Maybe if they had been trimmed with a very thin white outline?
No duh. That's the only reason alternate jerseys are used. However, he asked why traditional teams didn't do it much and I countered that Duke does it. UT's AD said there were no plans to put these up for sale.

They'll likely put a few up for auction in a couple years
I did not mind them but they need a black outline on numbers and names to make them stand out.

When I got home and watched highlights on TV they looked alot better and you could actually see numbers on jerseys.
I agree about the names. If you didn't know who they were, that would have been frustrating. Since I did, it didn't bother me. Maybe if they had been trimmed with a very thin white outline?

If you don't know who the players are you're not a true fan anyway so the point is moot.
cant see the numbers or the names and the commentaters never tell who made a shot or anything. they talk about everythingelse but the game u r watching.
Overall, do we have the most boring fanbase in the nation? I suspect that there are Amish communities that are more exciting in terms of fashion. The majority of our fans behave like the donors that sat in the Geritol seats when I went to UT. No wave. No standing and no cool unis .
cant see the numbers or the names and the commentaters never tell who made a shot or anything. they talk about everythingelse but the game u r watching.

The numbers were outlined with a thin white outline (as I suggested earlier that the names should have been done).

Not sure how they appeared in person, but if you couldn't read the numbers on television, you need your eyes checked. They were clear IMO. The names, not so much.
I thought they were cool. Who cares if other people couldn't read the names, I could and the refs could and that's all I care about. They announced an orange out and then tried to "orange out" the unis. The fans were the ones who didn't come through, it looked like a regular game in the stands.
LOVED those new unis. Would be sweet to have solid black on one side and solid orange on the other
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