(OrangeEmpire @ May 10 said:
I agree, if Vince Young is the poster boy for dual threat quarterbacks then why didn't Brad Smith and Reggie McNeal enjoy success?
Quarterbacks primary function is to throw the ball with efficiency, if he has the ability to run after all options are exhausted that is a true threat!
for me, primary reason those two guys didn't have the success is lack of talent at other positions, namely offensivle line and WR. the only threat they had for the most part was their legs.
and to me, the picture of dual threat was Mike Vick. in college at least. He was known for his passing and running....people tend to forget what an arm he had in college.
VY i guess could be considered that, but his passing has been questioned thruout his college career...there was a time a couple of years ago that he couldn't hit the walls of a barn if he was in it....he did get better last year, and made some huge throws in several games.
but i guess the overall point is taken, if you are a qb, that has any kind of vertical game, and has the ability to make plays with the ball, then you could be considered dual threat. And the only reason i say that is the pure pocket passer, i.e. Peyton Manning, Dan Marino etc....couldn't run a lick.
If you have the ablity to run, then that constitutes a dual threat, as it is intrinsic to the qb position that you should/could throw the ball with some level of efficiency.