If only this could happen. Think radio when you read this and imagine John Ward....
"Well folks its 31 to 26 with 5 seconds to go with Tennessee trailing on the Alabama 2 and a half yard line. This is it - win or lose on this play. Bill, who is that big fella on the field?" (Bill) "John, I think his number is 99 and that would make him Dellen Hash - a 6'8" 350 pound offensive lineman, but none of the linemen have left the game". (John) "Worley brings his team to the line. Tennessee has lined up in a "off-set I" formation. Bill, it appears Tennessee is going to have a 350 lb fullback?" (Bill - laughing) "John, it sure looks like it."
(John - excited - hear the roar of the crowd) "Worley fakes to Hurd and slashes over left tackle behind the crushing block of Hash!!! He took out the right defensive tackle and middle linebacker. Give. Him. Six. Worley squirts into the end-zone!...and that should just about do it. Tennessee 32, Alabama 31. Game over here at Neyland Stadium as the crowd goes wild. Fans pouring onto the field......"