Well, it's been eventful. My mother fell in late March, didn't break anything, but developed something called cauda equina syndrome - partially paralyzed for several months from the hips down. She's recovering and now able to use a walker at a semi-decent rate of speed, but I had to move her to Asheville. She's now in assisted living after five months in nursing homes. So I've been selling her house and all her stuff, moving her banking and brokerage accounts, blah blah blah.
Now that that is pretty much calmed down, I'm back here and we're getting ready to gut job the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, if we can find a plumber that everyone's happy with. (We moved around the corner in February from the house-we-swore-we'd-stay-in-until-we-died to our big two-story rental house.) Grandson just turned two. Hubs and I are going to Havana Jazz Fest in January; hoping our moms can stay upright while we're gone (my MIL just fell Friday and broke her nose pretty spectacularly, so we spent Friday evening of Labor Day weekend in the ER, quite the fun place to be.)
Needless to say, I am now retired.
--huh, has Freak finally killed off the original emojis? It looks fine when I first add it or when I add it, but I get the big X when it's posted.