Neyland Stadium becoming more annoying (my thoughts)

In terms of the cell phone signal thing, I would like there to be better signal or even wifi so that I could listen to the radio broadcast on my phone (with headphones) instead of bringing an actual radio in the stadium.
I'll answer this. Judging by their body language after those two USCe scores in the 3rd quarter it looked as though some of the players and quite a few of our fans had the "oh sh!t! The wheels are falling off again" look. Personally, I don't think that our players hearing "Livin' on a prayer" would've pumped them up at that moment. IMO, that piped in music did much to change the mood and focus of fans and players alike.

Some of the players, maybe, but for the most part even when we were behind in the 3rd quarter the players were still jumping up and down on the sideline, and that was great to see because that was proof to me that they were not giving up, and were going to continue to fight.
SMDH. Some "fans" seem to be looking for any excuse or justification as to why they aren't, or won't attend a game. Music selection will not deter my future donation, season tickets or attendance.

then obviously the title under your name is a lie. No way a Geezer would think this way according to most on this site!
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There are 2 older men that sit beside of us, and they seem to really enjoy the atmosphere at the games. Just sayin...I don't think age really has anything to do with it, it's just the person.
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then obviously the title under your name is a lie. No way a Geezer would think this way according to most on this site!

Ain't that the truth. Some seem to think us old farts are more fragile than we are. I personally thought the pregame DJ action was pretty cool, especially when it is a former player. Holly and some of the Lady Vols were having a great time with him at the (1st or 2nd home game ... I forget which).
Here is an easy solution, You don't like it, then don't go.

I for one, enjoy the atmosphere. I think it is great that Tennessee is moving forward and being different and progressing, yet still keeps a good balance of our tradition. I have watched and been to many TN games. It is fun to see the new things they do and the excitement the crowd and recruits get from it. This is a new TN! Get with the times and ride along with Butch. He will take us there with a mix of new flavor and old traditions. The VFLs love it, the fans love it, and so do the recruits. We are still Tennessee!

Go Vols!
I think it would be cool as hell if the band and the DJ worked out a back and forth type of deal. Kind of like Run DMC and Aerosmith type thing.
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all this said, was anyone else on the lookout for the band to just go rogue and do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted? Like open the T and keep going, not leave the field, etc? Part of me was secretly hoping for it.

Would UT players quit and lose if the sound system went out????

Dude calm down. Appears you are in the minority. I couldn't go to the game so not expressing my opinion. But from the posts of are in the minority. I did however watch ever minute of the game....and Neyland was rocking!
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There are 2 older men that sit beside of us, and they seem to really enjoy the atmosphere at the games. Just sayin...I don't think age really has anything to do with it, it's just the person.

You are right. Alot of the complaints seem to come from younger people.
all this said, was anyone else on the lookout for the band to just go rogue and do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted? Like open the T and keep going, not leave the field, etc? Part of me was secretly hoping for it.

Oh Lord ! If that happened, some would have you believe that us old people would have shuffled from the stadium, never to be seen or heard from again. :popcorn:
Maybe I was just so focused (and nervous) about the game, but I didn't notice a whole lot of different things at the UGA game. I only go to one a year, so I don't see every game. I also got cellphone coverage the whole time because I was texting with my brother about calls and injuries.

I am sure it is difficult to put in enough technology for 102k people to get coverage anyway. I am the same age as the OP, but I just didn't notice anything different than in the past. JMO.

Would UT players quit and lose if the sound system went out????

Come on now, just good conversation. I can't imagine why you are this upset. It's all good, you are still a VOL fan right? We are VOL fans just having discussion.
Dude calm down. Appears you are in the majority. I couldn't go to the game so not expressing my opinion. But from the posts of are in the minority. I did however watch ever minute of the game....and Neyland was rocking!

You are right. He is in the minority.

It was rocking. It was loud. The fans were into it. But more importantly... the players were into it.

Why does it have to be mutually exclusive? Why can't we have the band and the music? It seems that those of us who are Okay with the music being piped in are also okay with the band... but not the other way around.
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You are right. He is in the minority.

It was rocking. It was loud. The fans were into it. But more importantly... the players were into it.

Why does it have to be mutually exclusive? Why can't we have the band and the music? It seems that those of us who are Okay with the music being piped in are also okay with the band... but not the other way around.

Thank you! Exactly.....we can have them both. POTSB will always be a huge part of game day....we need them....need Rocky Top. Just not between every play. The recruits, players and fans love POTSB. But obviously the piped in music is huge too in getting everyone excited and loud! It is a win-win situation. We need them both!
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Ive never had a problem with cell phone service... Maybe its a certain section
That is getting a blocked signal...

And I had the age groups covered with me this weekend...
I took my 57 yr old father,Im 37, and my son is 12...
Both had the best weekend ever on the Hill... As did I...
My Dad was loving every bit of everything(except that 3rd qtr).

I couldnt tell you a single song played outside of Down the field
And Rocky Top... But I remember Sterling Hinton getting the
Crowd rocking again... Its all a moot point if you remember
The most important reason you are there... "Because its
Football time in TN" not dj or POTS time... But the are additions
to everything that we show up to see...
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I just don't get why anyone would want to script how many times the Pride plays Rocky Top. There's not a fight song in the country that pisses off more opponents and their fans, and (obviously used to) hyped up UT fans. Adding hip hop does not add to the home field advantage, because if our players love it, then opposing teams will too. A bit counter productive.
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I hate to break it to the OP but that seems to be the trend everywhere, not just Neyland. The last 2 games I've watched on TV where Alabama was the home team, you could clearly hear piped in music played a lot.

So to put it another way, if it's happening at Alabama, it's likely happening everywhere.

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