Neyland stadium renovation renderings

It's fine with me for them to leave the East Side alone. When renovations come, so will additional price increases.
Im soooo excited about all the wifi improvements... I just can't wait to be able to watch tic tok videos on my phone all game so i don't have to be a part of the loud hostile crowd and not watch the game !!!!!

Could give less of a She'it about the sky box suites for the softies and windows that open.... if you want open air and ability to hear the crowd sit in the damn stands.... and if you want a comfy room to watch the game stay at home.
If our winning trend continues we will need MORE SEATS, and also some MORE SEATS ! Neyland was an extremely hostile environment for opposing teams last season... lets make it more so.

I'm integrally involved with this project on the Construction Manager side. Going to be a different place by 2025... both for the regular fan (south end concourse 01 and G10 plaza renovations), the high end donor (East/West skybox renovations), plus the mega donor's (Founder's Suites).

Are they gonna widen the upper deck concourses? They are really too narrow to carry the traffic load.
How many seats could we add if we ditched all the skyboxes and suites? I want Thunderdome, not a country club. The only “different place” I want is bigger, not more froo froo

You could get to 110k easy BUT that would never happen because the price tag for the froo froo pays for all of the other renovations.
Really hate that the Gate 10 ramp is staying. So archaic and clumsy.

Agreed but it is getting new cladding and ornamental gates on the lower side and all of the guardrails going up to Concourse 2 is receiving fresh paint. Plus it won't stick out like a sore thumb so much when it gets the restrooms underneath it and the addition of the G10 Plaza with new seat walls, pavers, landscaping etc.
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That picture smells like a 65 year old, 115 degree hot, grasscutters bathroom with a couple of old shirts hidden behind the toilet that have been soaking in urine for 25 years, attached to the concession stands.
sorry man, can you throw me the prtially soaked one ply over the stall? damn 3 ft high shitter seat is nasty.
Are they gonna widen the upper deck concourses? They are really too narrow to carry the traffic load.

The south end renovation/expansion of Concourse 01 is the biggest Concourse change. Fortunately, it was in need the most. The dungeon as I used to call it will cease to exist... also no more troughs! The new south end of Concourse 01 will look essentially like the Concourse 01 on the west side. New integrally colored block, concessions, restrooms, store, condiment stations, etc. Going to be the biggest change for the common fan.
The south end renovation/expansion of Concourse 01 is the biggest Concourse change. Fortunately, it was in need the most. The dungeon as I used to call it will cease to exist... also no more troughs! The new south end of Concourse 01 will look essentially like the Concourse 01 on the west side. New integrally colored block, concessions, restrooms, store, condiment stations, etc. Going to be the biggest change for the common fan.

Good news. Thanks.
Really hate that the Gate 10 ramp is staying. So archaic and clumsy.

I liked the bridge that used to connect the east side upper deck to the Hill on the opposite end of Neyland. That was a pretty cool perspective.

Ramp 10 is good for getting out fast. But then you’re stuck in the middle of tens of thousands people on Phil Fulmer Way.
Surely these will be auctioned. They are legendary!
I'd love to have one for a barn or man cave.
"Lost 'a cell phone in one of these when I was at Wrigley Field. The ol Nokia black brick cell became an expensive target for other fans. Thankful company FedEx'd me a new phone for remainder of Chicago business trip
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I'm integrally involved with this project on the Construction Manager side. Going to be a different place by 2025... both for the regular fan (south end concourse 01 and G10 plaza renovations), the high end donor (East/West skybox renovations), plus the mega donor's (Founder's Suites).
A) I know what a vomitory is, but what do they mean by “in-bowl”? Is that brick going to be on the exterior of the stadium?

B) Along those same lines, will there be some brick-work/beautification of the South end where it’s just steel beams right now? Something to match the North and West sides?
A) I know what a vomitory is, but what do they mean by “in-bowl”? Is that brick going to be on the exterior of the stadium?

B) Along those same lines, will there be some brick-work/beautification of the South end where it’s just steel beams right now? Something to match the North and West sides?
Portions of the exterior is going to receive masonry uplifts, particularly the Gate 11/12 switchback stairs. Just read your #2... yep, that's what I'm referring to in the previous sentence.. The entire south end, primarily the SW entry/plaza are receiving huge upgrades in both aesthetics and pedestrian circulation. You will be able to enter Concourse 01 from the SW side with enhanced pedestrian flow similar to gate 21.
That picture smells like a 65 year old, 115 degree hot, grasscutters bathroom with a couple of old shirts hidden behind the toilet that have been soaking in urine for 25 years, attached to the concession stands.
You forgot the cigar smoke smell. From the guy in the stall puffin on a big greener.

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