I have yet to meet, in my entire life, someone who got into hockey later in life. The only people who can bear to watch it on tv are people who grew up playing it or at least lived in northern towns where it was a big deal.
There are exceptions, Law. For instance , me. I was born in Asheville NC and have lived in WNC all my life (63 years so far). I got really hooked on the game when I went to my first live game, a United Hockey League game between Asheville and Knoxville 6 years ago. The law firm my wife works for treated all their employees and their families to a game and my wife dragged me there because she wanted to go out with the crowd at work, mostly for the free beer and pizza. We both found the speed and heavy contact was unbelievable and to spice it up, there was a 17 minute brawl with everybody including the coaches fighting. We ended up going to almost all the home games until the team folded. For the uninitiated, I guess it looks crazy. Playing 3 periods and having to play shorthanded if a player draws a penalty probably doesn't make sense. I really like the new rule changes in the NHL with the 5 minute 4 on 4 sudden death overtime period and then the shootout to break ties. I'd say why so many people don't like it is because they don't understand it and the stupid tv announcers assume everybody who tunes in a game on tv is an old time expert hockey fan. They don't explain much about rules, etc. We don't have hockey in Asheville anymore (had a good fan base but dumb management). However, Direct tV carries the majority of the Carolina Hurricanes games on FSN so I watch all I can.
I guess the biggest plus for me is it fills a void for an action contact sport after football season ends.