Nice article on Rod Wilks

This is a guy who definitely suffered at the uncertainty surrounding the football program over the past few years. Glad he saw it through to get his degree at UT and I hope he does make it at some level of professional football.

Hope? They won't let Rod Wilks in the NFL because they know whatever team he lands on has such an advantage over the other teams it becomes completely unfair. They said he could play but he'd have to always run backwards, on one leg, while blindfolded. He decided to pass, and is now training for world's strongest man.
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He could always go to the Jets he would be an improvement over most of their roster.:)
I love Rod Wilks. He is what epitimizes VFL. Except for the fact that he can juggle entire universes and all that, I like his never say never attitude. I wish DaRick and TBray had a tenth of his drive. I wish once he's decided to hang up football, be it next year or 10 years from now, that there's a spot on the staff for him at UT. I know there are many others like him otherwise they wouldn't have made it in D-1 let alone at UT, but he stands out as a great character guy and a guy who put UT before his self. That's a VFL right there.
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I love Rod Wilks. He is what epitimizes VFL. Except for the fact that he can juggle entire universes and all that, I like his never say never attitude. I wish DaRick and TBray had a tenth of his drive. I wish once he's decided to hang up football, be it next year or 10 years from now, that there's a spot on the staff for him at UT. I know there are many others like him otherwise they wouldn't have made it in D-1 let alone at UT, but he stands out as a great character guy and a guy who put UT before his self. That's a VFL right there.

Could not have said it better.:salute:
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I really hope he is able to catch on somewhere. Would love to watch him play again on whatever level.
I love Rod Wilks. He is what epitimizes VFL. Except for the fact that he can juggle entire universes and all that, I like his never say never attitude. I wish DaRick and TBray had a tenth of his drive. I wish once he's decided to hang up football, be it next year or 10 years from now, that there's a spot on the staff for him at UT. I know there are many others like him otherwise they wouldn't have made it in D-1 let alone at UT, but he stands out as a great character guy and a guy who put UT before his self. That's a VFL right there.

so he is a VFL who asked for his release? But CJG and Tee are not bc they wanted what was best for it (not saying you feel this way but several on here do )
What Rod Wilks may not know about the recurring jokes on here is that he became a source of light and humor for vol fans in the darkest of times. A mascot and champion who represented all of volnation and one that made us laugh and smile when we wanted to scream or do violence to the tv.

Wait, what am I talking about? Of course, Rod Wilks knows all that. He willingly gave himself for us because Rod knows sacrifice and is strong enough for us all!

In all seriousness, I wish him nothing but absolute success in all he does. I'm going to miss him.
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I had the previlage of meeting Mr. Wilks once, he never spoke a word and we had an entire conversation. People around said it was the power of the mind, I like to call it simply "Rod Wilks"
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I hate it for the guy. He as well as the other players deserved better. Such is life though. I hope Butch can provide the stable, winning atmosphere that is typical of Tennessee's past.
I can't wait until these stupid Rod Wilk jokes will be over with in another year or two, once everyone forgets about him. I feel bad for him, things didn't work out the way he wanted, and he became the laughing joke on VN.
I never took any of it as making fun of Rod, if anything I think he was beloved.....jmo.
Just so its clear I will miss Rod W. He knows the jokes and he knows they weren't aimed at him, kinda like C. Norris knows he's a b@d@ss !
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I can't wait until these stupid Rod Wilk jokes will be over with in another year or two, once everyone forgets about him. I feel bad for him, things didn't work out the way he wanted, and he became the laughing joke on VN.
I can't wait until these stupid Rod Wilk jokes will be over with in another year or two, once everyone forgets about him. I feel bad for him, things didn't work out the way he wanted, and he became the laughing joke on VN.
Hey, we're still talking about Cooter on here, and some on Vol Nation haven't seen hide nor hair of Cooter in years.

Cooter seems to have dried up and disappeared for some faithful posters, and no matter how much prodding that they do, they are unable to get Cooter to open up and come out of hiding.
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I can't wait until these stupid Rod Wilk jokes will be over with in another year or two, once everyone forgets about him. I feel bad for him, things didn't work out the way he wanted, and he became the laughing joke on VN.

(Shortly after making this post ^ Rod Wilks showed up at EvanStalcup1990 door step and slapped the sh&t out of him, then preceded to have sexual relations with his girlfriend.)
Rod Wilks seems to be a great kid, I personally loved the jokes he brought to the board. Due to his tweener size and speed and the most untimely of coaching changes cost this kid.
BUT does he have eligibility to play one year elsewhere for graduate school? Or did he loose that since he red shirted one year.
man...he is such a good guy, i wish this dude would have went somewhere else...he got lost in the shuffle and suffered due to all the coaching changes. Probably would have been an awesome player for someone else that actually had some coaching.

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