Nice article on Rod Wilks

Rodriquez Wilks ‏@Wilks_22 57m

Where is a good place to run in Knoxville?

He means which bizznaz is gone take ova!
The sad thing is, more then 3/4 of the posters on here don't even know how the story of the Rod jokes came about. If, you knew the true story, you would understand it a tad bit better. It does poke fun at him and a certain poster.
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The sad thing is, more then 3/4 of the posters on here don't even know how the story of the Rod jokes came about. If, you knew the true story, you would understand it a tad bit better. It does poke fun at him and a certain poster.

Why don't you tell the story for us then, O' Great Enlightened One.
i dont want to know the history. i cannot handle such a great burden. life as i know it would cease to exist!
The sad thing is, more then 3/4 of the posters on here don't even know how the story of the Rod jokes came about. If, you knew the true story, you would understand it a tad bit better. It does poke fun at him and a certain poster.

What difference does it really make?
The sad thing is, more then 3/4 of the posters on here don't even know how the story of the Rod jokes came about. If, you knew the true story, you would understand it a tad bit better. It does poke fun at him and a certain poster.

...and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth...

...much that once was is lost, for none now post who remember it

Rod Wilks will not be one of those "things," however, i do believe the origin of the chuck-norris-like jokes is
Hope? They won't let Rod Wilks in the NFL because they know whatever team he lands on has such an advantage over the other teams it becomes completely unfair. They said he could play but he'd have to always run backwards, on one leg, while blindfolded. He decided to pass, and is now training for world's strongest man.
VFL and fans find your unadulterated praise for RW projectile vomiting.

YOU are an idiot clicking your heels together and wishing something were true. And a liar who would rather play kiddy games than face facts.

Your posts are indistinguishable from the self centered prattle of dozens of pimple faced egotists, unable to admit to being wrong, unable to take part in a free exchange of ideas, seeking to substitute "humor"
and jokes with an in-crowd of one for "insight".

The only thing any one knows of you, is what you say on the internet. You determine exactly what image you present to the world.

Enjoy yourself.

Never understood why he did not play more. Seems like when he did play good things happened

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