I'd have been in pretty big trouble because I really enjoy iced tea. Unsweet, of course. (Which incidentally is a pet peeve of mine -- McDonald's drive thru workers have some sort of mental block about sweet versus unsweet. They have a 50-50 shot just by pure chance. Yet I'd say they get it right, at most, 25 pct of the time. Basterds.)
How do you know the ones they posted -- and which you in turn posted here -- are representative? And, I am not sure there really is such a thing as "representative" of the sentiments of 60,000 people, anyway.
And, no one has any problem whatsoever with the 57,000 people who showed up to protest big government and deficits. Its the 3,000 people who were there (I am making that number up) and carrying signs with racist undertones (or overtones), threatening to arm themselves and come back if they don't get their way, and the like. The handful of them who walked around that place thinking what a hero they'd be to the other 60,000 if they off'd POTUS is what is worrisome.