Nick Stephens in NFL

Tony Romo is still the starting QB so anything is possible.

As much as romo has hurt the Cowboys especially younger in his career he is the main reason the Cowboys have won as many games as they have the last couple years. Can't win games when half your starters get hurt yearly and your offensive line can't open a running lane for ****.
OL Tony runs for his life every game, he takes a lot of heat but if you watch the games he is the reason they win most of them, he will make a bone head play ever now and then, but thats when he is running for his life, wish they could get a good OL then see what he could do.
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For some reason I read "Nick Saban to NFL".

Major let down

That will come down in 2014 when they fired all of the coaches after a disappointing season.

Nick Saben and his side kick Kirby Smart go to the NFL, you know that is all they are waiting on is a good fit :good!:
Romo chokes with game on The line. Until he proves otherwise that will be what he is known for. Doesn't matter how much talent he has or doesn't have around him. As for Stephens good luck.
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romo is a choker,,,OL isn't awesome but he chucks alot of int's,,,,maybe jones will sell the Boys or get a GM that KNOWS FB
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OL Tony runs for his life every game, he takes a lot of heat but if you watch the games he is the reason they win most of them, he will make a bone head play ever now and then, but thats when he is running for his life, wish they could get a good OL then see what he could do.

Well, he lost to a QB playing on 1 leg during last season on week 17. I don't think any of his 3 picks that day were the result of being rushed into decisions.
Good for him. Say what you want about this kid, he believes in himself and has obviously worked very hard to keep his dream alive and it's paying dividends. Many on VN thought he had an over inflated opinion of his talent, but you don't get as far as he has without talent. May not be the next Romo, but not everyone can be. Nice job Nick. I'll give credit where it's due.
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It's not Tony Romo's fault that the cowboys suck. It's all Jerry Jones's fault. As to Nick Stephens, I say good luck to you on making the team. The cowboys need another clipboard person on the sidelines.
It's not Tony Romo's fault that the cowboys suck. It's all Jerry Jones's fault. As to Nick Stephens, I say good luck to you on making the team. The cowboys need another clipboard person on the sidelines.

Not sure if that was supposed to be a dig, but he'd get paid very well to hold that clipboard.
Tony Romoception. lol Dallas may return to prominence once he and Jerry (Al Davis Jr.) Jones are gone. :wacko:

I wish Nick much luck. How awesome it would be to have 3 Vol QB's starting in the NFL. :thumbsup:
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Tony Romoception. lol Dallas may return to prominence once he and Jerry (Al Davis Jr.) Jones are gone. :wacko:

I wish Nick much luck. How awesome it would be to have 3 Vol QB's starting in the NFL. :thumbsup:

3? Who are u in thinking of? I believe all of the following are trying to hang around the NFL still (some obviously more successful than others):

Anyone else? Is RC still trying?
3? Who are u in thinking of? I believe all of the following are trying to hang around the NFL still (some obviously more successful than others):

Anyone else? Is RC still trying?

I think it is pretty darn cool to see how many Vol QBs run off by Lane Kiffin are still in the NFL. I think BJ Coleman is still on the Green Bay roster. I think JC actually jumped to the CFL this year. Matt Simms is still with the Jets too. I think Dooley threw him under the bus, and, of course, completely failed to coach him.

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