Nickname Neyland



Junior Member
Jun 21, 2006
After reading some of the topics, one really stands out and has gotten me to thinking. How could Neyland Stadium, a place that holds over 100,000, a place with a setting unmatched in College Athletics, a place where the fans are as fanatical as they come, end up ranked #8 on Intimidation? Well, I was first insulted and a little PO'd, evidently those responsible for these rankings have only seen Neyland on ESPN, but I found myself remembering sitting there over the past few seasons wondering why the crowd was no louder than it was, it seemed, especially against ND, their small crowd was more than overwelming the rest of us. I look around and most of those around me where still sitting, some complaining about the heat, others the price of hotdogs, some even questioning should they "head out" at half time to beat the traffic. Some old, some young, some drunk, some not so. I felt like the only one cheering, except of course for the guy in the section over clapping seat cushions together as he had been since right after kick off, attempting to enlist others in his in-audible chant. Adding the "Orange Nation" has given the student section an identity, and has made a huge difference, but what about the rest of the stadium? What about when they are playing on the other end of the feild, away from "The Nation" and away from the band? I was disappointed. I sat on "The Hill" not an hour ago and watched as hundreds, thousands probably cheered and waved pom poms and sang Rocky Top in unison as the Pride came marching down the street, now, against arguably one of the most storied programs in history is on our feild, and the fans seemed un-inspired, as did our team. So...I wonder...what if anything, other than the fans, could make this place more intimidating? We could give away free Gentleman Jack to the opposing fans in hopes they would all pass out and make us seem louder, no, that wouldn't work, our fans would then show up dressed as opposing fans for free booze. Maybe we need to try to scare them off before they ever get there. Maybe if we had an intimidating nickname, like "The Swamp", or "Death Valley". I have given it some thought, and keep drawing blanks. Maybe some of you guys have a suggestion?

How about we start calling it "the monkey house" and everyone can throw excrement at the opposing team when they take the field?
How 'bout we just start dominating football games and let the stadium speak for itself? Were you in Neyland the day we beat Alabama and Florida lost too? Cell phones lost their signals and the earth shook. The power is there. I know that for a fact.
I'm with you guys. Neyland doesn't need a catchy name, it needs the home team to commence with some butt whoopin'.
They were going to name it "The Rock" a few years ago. They had the graphics drwan up for it and everything, and even played them a few games, but it never caught on because of the OLD TIMERS that donate all the money. You know who I mean, the same ones that whined about the Smokey Howl being played over the speakers and that tell you to sit down when you are cheering on the Vols.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 27 said:
They were going to name it "The Rock" a few years ago. They had the graphics drwan up for it and everything, and even played them a few games, but it never caught on because of the OLD TIMERS that donate all the money. You know who I mean, the same ones that whined about the Smokey Howl being played over the speakers and that tell you to sit down when you are cheering on the Vols.
That Smokey Howl was undoubtedly the stupidest gimmick of all time. It sounded like a rabid dog making love to a gremlin.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 27 said:
They were going to name it "The Rock" a few years ago. They had the graphics drwan up for it and everything, and even played them a few games, but it never caught on because of the OLD TIMERS that donate all the money. You know who I mean, the same ones that whined about the Smokey Howl being played over the speakers and that tell you to sit down when you are cheering on the Vols.
It never caught on because it was ridiculous. Great idea, let's forget creativity. We'll simply borrow a nickname from Alcatraz.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 27 said:
That Smokey Howl was undoubtedly the stupidest gimmick of all time. It sounded like a rabid dog making love to a gremlin.

Gremlin the car or Gremlin the creature that multiplies in water? Don't know if I am sleep deprived or what, but I am laughing my butt off today on this board.
(Lexvol @ Jun 27 said:
Gremlin the car or Gremlin the creature that multiplies in water? Don't know if I am sleep deprived or what, but I am laughing my butt off today on this board.
The eponymous characters from the cinematic classic "Gremlins."
(gr8orange1 @ Jun 27 said:
We could give away free Gentleman Jack to the opposing fans in hopes they would all pass out and make us seem louder, no, that wouldn't work, our fans would then show up dressed as opposing fans for free booze.

Sorry. That just made me laugh. :lol:

(rockytop muskrat @ Jun 27 said:
:D How about Pat Summit Valley? (ok, ok that was stupid, I will be the first to admit it)

(hatvol96 @ Jun 27 said:
It never caught on because it was ridiculous. Great idea, let's forget creativity. We'll simply borrow a nickname from Alcatraz.
Not like it doesn't fit after last offseason... At least there's not as many arrests.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 27 said:
That Smokey Howl was undoubtedly the stupidest gimmick of all time. It sounded like a rabid dog making love to a gremlin.
You guys are too good today!! Your creativity is a life saver today (mine). Summer boredom is starting to set in. I'm home with my kids and I'm enjoying "my quite time" reading the boards. Keep it up :thumbsup:

P.S. I like "The Rock". Why not try it again? Even though the old folks didn't like it a few years ago, maybe they've realized after seeing the fire in the basketball program now that something needs to be done.
It's Rocky Top.

I'm pretty sure it even has a song named after it....

You know... I know that they don't actually call Neyland Rocky Top at the University, but why not?
If you put a big sign out front of the entrance that said "Welcome To Rocky Top" and set some big boulders around the base of the sign, I imagine every TV crew would wind up shooting that sign in their setup piece before the game starts.

Probably be a lot of family photos taken there as well...
"Welcome to Rocky Top" i love it. sounds of a blue-tick hound dog over the P.A. like church bells on the hour.
To borrow from Spiro T. Agnew, how about ....

The Neyland Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 27 said:
To borrow from Spiro T. Agnew, how about ....

The Neyland Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.

How about a little adjustment...

VolNation Nattering Nabob of Negativism

one could get a VNNNN logo akin to the VNGuru handle...
Out of curiosity do the Alachua deputies have a jailhouse at the Swamp?
There were as many law enforcement officers as fans the last time I was in Gville.
(Lexvol @ Jun 27 said:
Out of curiosity do the Alachua deputies have a jailhouse at the Swamp?
There were as many law enforcement officers as fans the last time I was in Gville.

We have to keep the looters off the field somehow.

Besides, we don't want our players getting involved in any gunplay unless its in their off-campus apartment, in which case we clearly don't care what they do.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 27 said:
We have to keep the looters off the field somehow.

Besides, we don't want our players getting involved in any gunplay unless its in their off-campus apartment, in which case we clearly don't care what they do.

That's ok. Bullet holes in drywall are easy to fix.

VN Store
