(Mr. Rockytop @ Jun 28 said:
better get use to Rocky Top, the unofficial fight song of Tennessee Volunteers because by the end of the day you will know the words to it !
With that I absolutely agree. When I was in Bengal Brass, and we went to the 2004 women's final four to play you guys in New Orleans, I, personally, made a pot of money, $1 per entry, which would be awarded to whichever of my fellow band members could guess how many times the vol band would play rocky top, in any incarnation. 30 of us committed a dollar each, so the winner, my friend Brandon, made $30 off of his guess, 13, which was the closest to reality, which was 14, I think. Frankly, I was surprised, because it sure as HELL seemed like more to me, even though I counted each one. :crazy:
However, to the topic at hand, I think sticking with Neyland is your best option. It just sounds better. Neyland Stadium.
By the way, purely out of curiosity, who was Neyland?