Niedermeyer tells his 'awkward' story of recruiting Henry To'o To'o

See we like to have a good time around here.

Not sure what OP was expecting when he mentioned 🎺🎺's name in a football thread
Most likely not a little traveling down music history lane. I hope its ok with Steve Lukather that I did that without asking him or Mr. Paich about "Georgie Porgy" chiming in so "I Won't Hold You Back" Jackrevol on further fun......GO VOLS!

Kyra could coach talent if it was there. Against us #2 scorer out. They seemed to improve down the stretch, exception being roosterettes beatdown, but short memories of championship and Ms. Edwards attack didn't settle to well evidently. So they said adios to her....
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Funny how they referred to him as a top recruiter. As we all found out, just why! Thanks Micky D’s!
The Bishop talking about him was disappointing. I was hoping for some low down on the $ part of this story and what the Bama machine offered. I always thought it was funny how Bama had so many top recruiters every year that ended up pedestrian at best at other schools.
Funny story!

Great recruiter, but couldn't coach LBs for squat.
I wonder how he would have done under Heupel in this new NIL era.

I dare say, we would have landed a few more big fish? Unfortunate timing for him.
A little off subject here but honestly, and without grievance of him leaving the program, how many of you thought he was as good as his hype?

Obviously to go to Bama and start, he had to be good but, do you guys think he was a bag of chips and the dip?
Not to defend Toenail fungus, but coming out of the pile, I've seen our players behave the same way, doing the same or similar thing. Plus this was a Bama-Vols game, the two don't like each other, and it still wasn't anywhere near what that male progeny of a domestic female canine, Kublanow did to Shy Tuttle.

To this day as old as I am if someone pointed out the guy in front of me is Kublanow even if his kids or mine are around no matter, I do a shoulder dive straight from behind grabbing the knee and twisting as well. I give everybody a Big Orange permission to take Kublaknow's knee out at any time, any age, and any place. Easter Sunday procession down the aisle in church, his knee is gone if I'm around, just sayin'
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To this day as old as I am if someone pointed out the guy in front of me is Kublanow even if his kids or mine are around no matter, I do a shoulder dive straight from behind grabbing the knee and twisting as well. I give everybody a Big Orange permission to take Kublaknow's knee out at any time, any age, and any place. Easter Sunday procession down the aisle in church, his knee is gone if I'm around, just sayin'
Not sure if I'd do that. Because people lie so much these days, that someone might point out the wrong person on purposet, instead that glob of tobaccy juice. But I like your attitude. Filthiest play ever, and he gets away with it. Makes me glad Gawja got stiffed out of the NC series.

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