Get back to work. Weezer hasn't had the money to buy a hooker in weeks and Jerry keeps asking me if he can cut me open and lick the dope out of my lungs. WE NEED MORE FUNDS.
I've resorted to finding recently deceased hookers. As long as they're still semi-warm, it's all good. The added benefit is not having to pay. I'm wondering if I could sell their bodies to science when I'm done with them?
Fireworks can bring the fun, too. A few carefully aimed Roman candles can cause some mayhem and property damage.
You can just put them in a hot tub for about half an hour and warm them back up again.
For once, you have displayed true brilliance.
You were one of those kids that used to shoot them at each other weren't you?
That was my favorite thing about fireworks!
I never shot a Roman candle at anyone. For one, they were more expensive than other fireworks. Two, my friends were against the idea when I brought it up. I never understood why. We threw firecrackers at each other and shot each other with bottlerockets, but they were afraid of the Roman candles.
Ive got some kind of affinity for fire. I've stood in a fifty foot ring if fire, without being burned in the slightest. I used to be able to touch steel heated to 600 degrees for a short time without serious burns.I got shot in the face with a Roman candle. I have a nice scar under my mustache, on my nose, and under my eyebrow.