I've read that core exercises (planking and such) are good for helping speed with swimming. You recommend anything?
Definitely, we regularly did planking exercises, leg kicks laying on our backs, 20 kicks or so with 10 second rest times, and hundreds a night, lunges, squats, single leg squats, all improve dolphin kicks off the block, I found that sprinting exercises (on land) helped reaction times, I occasionally trained with our high school track team for increasing reaction times.
Isolating the weaker muscles during exercise obviously improves everything.
Box jumps for breaststroke, long jumps with feet together for butterfly.
Build those hamstrings and quads, chest and shoulders need the endurance workouts.
If my heart was in it I could've done great things, it's 90% mental and 10% physical, as usual.
Thanks, I will get her to work on these.
Slowly, keep it fun and don't let her get burned out, let her choose what's comfortable and what's not, you could even find a coach willing to give advice n what not to do and such, or even a physician. Young kids and teenagers can hurt themselves badly and not even know it, some of us on my teams were machines and could do almost anything, on the other hand some never attempted to try different workouts, and some did fine but there's a huge difference when you change things up.
Best of luck! Can't wait to see her get a scholarship for UT!