Might be time for the NCAA to send preliminary inspectors down to Oxford again..... some think he has matured, GUess we will see over time. I personally will never forgive him and the Ogre for their attempt to get that group of early signees already on our campus to not go to class the next morning on the day they dropped the bomb. And I am sure they made those calls on phones being paid for by UT, to influence kids they had been paid for a year to get here on UT's dime. I don't know if anyone capable of that can ever be trusted again. I will admit I am hoping the Ogre's fall from the heights at LSU is total and he is remembered for being a two time loser in the SEC, I hope Kiffin's tenure at UM mirrors his and he ends his major college career as an enigma of talent wasted. Would be kind of ironic if both downfalls would be packaged with Freeze in the history books. Hate it for Archie and other legitimate legacies down there.... But my hate for folks with that lack of character being at UT is why I shudder at any talk of bringing Freeze here.... A bad risk I don't think we need to take. There are excellent coaches with strong character out there, say in the mold of our current BB coach. If we need a new coach let's go find one of those.