No Freak's night before Christmas thread?

Every year I get older. However my excitement for Christmas never waivers. I'll be up and at it in just a few hours. Hope all y'all have a very blessed and merry Christmas.
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You don't understand, this is a playhouse that is like a freaking castle lol. It's for one kid, but it's made for like 10 kids lol. When it's all done I will put a picture up (if I can) to show you what I mean.
You don't understand, this is a playhouse that is like a freaking castle lol. It's for one kid, but it's made for like 10 kids lol. When it's all done I will put a picture up (if I can) to show you what I mean.

Lol ok, good luck with it.
T'was the night before Christmas
He lived all alone,
in a one bedroom house
made of plaster and stone.

I had come down the chimney
with presents to give
To see just who,
in this dwelling did live.

I looked all around
A strange sight to see
No tinsel, no presents,
Not even a tree.

On the wall hung pictures
of far distant lands.
Metals 'n badges, awards of every kind;
A sobering thought came alive in my mind.

This house was different...
it was dark, it was dreary.
I had found the home of a soldier,
I could see that most clearly.

The soldier lay sleeping,
Silent, Alone;
Curled up on the floor
In this one bedroom home.

His face was so gentle,
The room in such disorder;
Not at all how I pictured
a United States' soldier.

Was this the hero
of whom I'd just read;
Curled up on a poncho,
the floor for a bed?

Then I realized the other families
I saw this night,
Owed their lives to soldiers
Who were willing to fight.

In the morning, round the world,
Children would play;
Grown-ups would celebrate
A bright Christmas Day.

But they all enjoy freedom
Each month of the year,
Because of soldiers
Like the one lying here.

I couldn't help but wonder
How many lay alone,
On a cold Christma Eve
In lands far from home.

The very thought
Brought a tear to my eyes;
I dropped to my knees,
I started to cry.

The soldier awakened
I heard his rough voice,
"Santa don't cry,
This life is MY choice.

I fight for freedom,
I don't ask for more;
My life is my God,
My country, My corps."

The soldier rolled over,
and drifted to sleep.
But, I couldn't control it,

I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours,
So silent and still;

As both of us shivered
From the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave him

In that cold, dark night;
This guardian of honor,
So willing to fight.

Then, the soldier rolled over,
In a voice soft and pure,
He whispered, "Carry on Santa,
It's Christmas Day, all is secure."

One look at my watch,
I knew he was right.
Merry Christmas my friend,
May God bless you this night.
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Way to take charge Ben. I'm so proud. :)

When had family over until late last night so I was tied up. But glad to see you guys carrying the torch.

Merry Christmas everybody. :hi:

I learned from the best :)

Merry Christmas to you too, Freak.
Only about 5 1/2 hours till I start the drive back to God's country (East Tennessee) to be with family! Hope all of VN had a Merry Christmas!
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Cool pic of Butch. Wasn't sure where to post it. :)

Good to see him at the game Monday. Got one question tho, where is the body paint???

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