No more Negaxxxs

I've seen the term "negavol" used frequently on this and other sites. We all know what it means. Frankly, I don't like it at all. Those folks don't deserve to have "vol" used in any reference toward them.

I suggest that we quit allowing them to even pretend to be "vols" and call them negateers.

Somebody lied to you when they told you that you are the man and in charge. Freedom of Speech wins out.
The "sunshine" pumpers have unrealistic expectations because they want the Vols to win so much they can't help but hope and dream. The "negavols" point out all the deficiencies of the program because they want the Vols to win so much they can't stand seeing the program in it's current state. Bottom line - anyone who comes on here and posts anything (minus a few trolls) cares about the program. There are no bandwagon Volunteers at this point. Those of us on here are VFL. The glass is half full or it's half empty, but it's still the same glass. Let's stop trying to find ways to divide ourselves, we all want the same outcome.

(100th post by the way)
I generally just lurk but I signed just to like your post. Thanks
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I am sure that when the OP clicked submit reply, he just knew he would be able to sit back and watch the likes rain down upon him.
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But to be fair... If you were a perpetual "Negavol" over the past 4 or so years.. Looking at things today, you'd have to say that person was pretty damn right.
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Negavols/Negateers - 1 / Bad Coaches -0

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I've seen the term "negavol" used frequently on this and other sites. We all know what it means. Frankly, I don't like it at all. Those folks don't deserve to have "vol" used in any reference toward them.

I suggest that we quit allowing them to even pretend to be "vols" and call them negateers.

Maybe you should just embrace the fact that there are people with opinions that differ from yours.
I am definitely a glass-half-FULL guy, but maybe we need the negavols to help frame up our counter-positions, and to help us check our optimism to reasonable limited levels of expectation?

But what I aint got no use for is after their free-speech expressed discontent with a game result or some deficiency in the program ... that they then have to go assigning blame and bashing people in the Vol program, and it's bad enough when their targets are coaches, but much worse when they are unloading on our kids who might just be 18 or 19 or 20, but wearing the orange and doing their best. If you are doing that last part, you are not supporting our program of developing young athletes to grow and improve.
I've seen the term "negavol" used frequently on this and other sites. We all know what it means. Frankly, I don't like it at all. Those folks don't deserve to have "vol" used in any reference toward them.

I suggest that we quit allowing them to even pretend to be "vols" and call them negateers.

OH my. What will I do with my life if I get branded a negateer....:eek:lol::eek:lol::eek:lol:
words may be add words to the VN dictionary but there will be NO revisions without a POLL
can we ban sunshine pumpers with no sense of reality as well? That would leave roughly 3 people still here.
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People who get all butt hurt over posts like this make this place the fun that it is..

Generalized statement, not pointing at anyone in particular.. And by some reactions you would think the guy just robbed their grandmother.
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I've seen the term "negavol" used frequently on this and other sites. We all know what it means. Frankly, I don't like it at all. Those folks don't deserve to have "vol" used in any reference toward them.

I suggest that we quit allowing them to even pretend to be "vols" and call them negateers.

How ridiculous!! Not all people are so narrow minded as you! We all have a right to our opinion.
You've put way to much thought into an imaginary word....

Am I the only one who cringes every time I see someone use the term negavol in an anything but joking manner?

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