'(jakez4ut @ Mar 29 said:obviously, not a florida fan, and not a big fan of the mouth on Noah, but after watching him against somebody o/t TN....i got to say, the kid is just plain good. Florida's lucky to have him.....and i can tell you this much, i'd take him on my team.
(govols @ Mar 30 said:'
He is good but he is a jerk. He has no composure whatsoever.
(vols2345 @ Mar 30 said:come on man........ noah is a JERK! you can just tell... I know TONS of people that play basketball just like him, chest pounding and screaming all over the place, they are all jerks.....
(lawgator1 @ Mar 30 said:Gosh, I can't tell. Something wrong with me for witholding judgment on people's character if I haven't met them?
If you want to call him annoying, I have no problem with that. I thought Spurrier was annoying when he was at UF and I said so. I can see how Noah would be aggravating to watch, especially if he has taken an arch rival to the Final Four (that got anything to do with your posts?). But let's hold off on the personal attacks on people we don't know anything about.
I won't call Pearl a showboating jackass or some of your players crackheads (oops) and you don't call UF players jerks or a-holes or anything similar if you haven't met them. Deal?
(utvolpj @ Mar 30 said:Haven't you seen the threads on the volboard about coaches? It doesn't stop them there so why would it in this case? Who cares if they have met them, they watch them on TV.
Some need to watch him play some more games. Like him or not, he's a heck of a player.
(lawgator1 @ Mar 30 said:Thanks for that post utvolpj. Sorry if I reacted really strongly to this but it is a pet peeve of mine when people cross the line between making an honest objective judgment (i.e. he's a good player, or he's annoying) versus anything normative, like he's a jerk. I expect that in a loud sports bar, but not on this board. Too many good folks on here with interesting things to say to get bogged down with personal attacks on people that we don't know and aren't available to defend themselves. And so with that I won't get bogged down in it, either, and I'll just end my participation in that part of the thread.
(JennVols @ Mar 30 said:Just like the time when I had an avatar of my 2 friends that were professional wrestlers, right? Do you recall what you said about them?
(lawgator1 @ Mar 30 said:Well, if I said anything along the lines that they may like each other in a romantic way, it was based on my objective judgment based on the simple fact that they are male wrestlers. I am sure I did not say they weren't nice people. In my world, we call something like college male wrestling "res ipsa loquitor," which loosely means "the thing speaks for itself."
(JennVols @ Mar 30 said:Thanks for making my point. You contradicted yourself. It's ok for you to say something bad about someone that someone else likes, but no one can say anything bad about someone you like. Pot meet kettle.
(lawgator1 @ Mar 30 said:Disagree. I was clearly joking if I said or implied that all male wrestlers are gay merely by fact of wrestling. A clearly absurd statement and no way could anyone think it is truly believed. Its an exaggeration across all of male wrestledom and on its face a goof.
On the other hand, people calling Noah -- a particular guy -- a "jerk" is singling one guy out and pretending that the poster has some basis in fact for saying it.
My comment might be off color and silly -- it was intended to be, I am sure. But the comments about Noah are just mean-spirited.
Totally different.