Nolte: On This July 4th, Trump Is America’s Most Popular Politician


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

If you want to talk about the corporate media’s waning influence over public opinion… Donald Trump is currently the most popular politician in America.

According to the latest polling from Harvard Caps Harris Poll, despite seven years and billions of corporate dollars spent to destroy him, despite two fake impeachments and this Kangaroo January 6th Committee, Trump’s favorable rating is higher than any other politician in America—including politicians the fake media have spent billions of dollars propping up—like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Fascist).

The poll was taken between June 28-29 of 1,308 registered voters. (The Supreme Court aborted Roe v. Wade on June 24.)

A total of 42 percent have a favorable opinion of Trump. That puts him two points ahead of second place Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-OLD); three points ahead of former Vice President Mike Pence, who sits in third place; and four points ahead of His Fraudulency Joe Biden, who sits in fourth place.

Nolte: On This July 4th, Trump Is America's Most Popular Politician
Look how badly everyone is esteemed:

There is nothing worth bragging about here. Oof.
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It doesn't matter. Not long ago Congress had a single digit approval rating and most got sent back. All about the tribe
Pelosi, Schumer,,AOC and McConnell's numbers are refreshing. But you're correct, approval numbers do not correlate to change.
Yeah yeah yeah... we will see if the GOP can get rid of it in 2024 if Trump is re-elected. The right has been running their mouths about getting rid of it since Reagan.

Me thinks that no money no power..It will break...lets just hope it is soft

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