Nolte: On This July 4th, Trump Is America’s Most Popular Politician

Only Dems and Libertarians groom.

The rest of us are disheveled.

McDad...lets go out in style..I will hold your meathook..

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Than Trump? How about anyone who won't print and give away trillions of dollars. That should just be a basic requirement
My gawd, the original problem was created by them shutting down the economy. That wasn't Trump's fault. I agree money printing isn't good, but damn, I'm not sure if he would have gotten away with just doing nothing while these governors were shutting down everything.
Republicans kept promising for decades to get rid of Rowe V Wade, too, and it finally did happen due to President Trump.
I give Trump credit on that. However, he talked such a big game and just failed to deliver. Was some of that the GOP congress' and no-Trumpers' fault? I would say half. But the disappointing thing about Trump was that he surrounded himself with the worst people possible to advance his agenda. My hope would be that he realizes his mistake if he runs again and gets people around him that actually are outsiders. Since 2016, he seems to have grown a farm team of Trumpians around the country, so that might be a pool for him to pull from this time around.
My gawd, the original problem was created by them shutting down the economy. That wasn't Trump's fault. I agree money printing isn't good, but damn, I'm not sure if he would have gotten away with just doing nothing while these governors were shutting down everything.
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I'm not sold on Tim Scott. Tulsi would be a good 2nd option if she ran.
I really like Scott.
He’s not perfect by any stretch and I don’t agree with him on everything but he’s willing to explain his beliefs and he’s willing to work across the isles (or at least try too) those things are rare at the moment. It’s a short list. Him, TulsiG and Justin Amish.
That’s my short list at this time
I give Trump credit on that. However, he talked such a big game and just failed to deliver. Was some of that the GOP congress' and no-Trumpers' fault? I would say half. But the disappointing thing about Trump was that he surrounded himself with the worst people possible to advance his agenda. My hope would be that he realizes his mistake if he runs again and gets people around him that actually are outsiders. Since 2016, he seems to have grown a farm team of Trumpians around the country, so that might be a pool for him to pull from this time around.

You left out how all of the federal bureaucracy, as well as the Leftist federal judges, who opposed Trump's policies (building the Wall just one example) at every turn.
Trump has always wore his love for America on his sleeve.

He was up Putin ass.

I swear you are one dumb MFer to believe the BS we witnessed over the past 5 years and believe otherwise.

Like your share..well. The Norstream..No..laughed at in international circles. We are dealing with the mindless sheep.

Attack attack attack...
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