I am working on getting out of a no compete at work. Any advice would be much appreciated. I have consulted with an employment attorney and researched a lot online.
I have to get out of a bad situation. My compensation has been decreased several times in 2 years. And am now being asked to pay for a new employee out of my earnings. I didn't even get a say on the hiring of this person. I also have some documentation of some unethical business practice that the boss has attempted.
What are my chances guys?
I am not a lawyer but am in a field were NC's exist.
Unless they pay you something (like buy a book of business from you on the way out) these things very rarely stand.
Your new employer would probably want to honor it just for PR reasons but what I have experience and been told is that anything over a 1 mile 1 year non compete just wont hold water--as you have a right to earn a living.
This does not mean they will not sue you though just to cause you problems. I have seen this happen.
Now if you are a lawyer I have had that the Bar does honor these very much so--but in the insurance industry they aren't worth the paper on them. I have no idea your industry.
Lastly, if you begin pulling clients from the employer after you have left---that is a different story. Very enforceable and they will sue for damages. I have seen this.
But if you just leave, set up shop somewhere and move on, you should be fine. I would definitely not work in the same county if possible so I could show a judge I am simply trying to earn a living.
Again, I am not a lawyer but this is my experience.
Hope this helps.